thistle seed available...

Thornville, OH

If anyone wants some thistle seed I've got some...I'll be some at an Amish store...and check out my journal page on miracles from Christ, it's all about me & things that happened to me...thanks,mark

Tucson, AZ


What type of thisle seed do you have? I live in Tucson, Az. and feed lesser gold finches thisle. The thisle that we buy will never grow due to some process to stop it from germinating.



Thornville, OH

Hi...good question...i'll have to find out what type it is...i've fed some chickadees some of mine....mark

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

the thistle seed is treated-irridated I believe-as most sold for bird food are not native and can be either particularly agressive or invasive/noxious. Stick with natives if you can.

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