Confusing info on Irish Yew (Taxus Baccata Fastigiata)

Cumming, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi all,
I purchased three Taxus Baccata Fastigiata yesterday, having been told by the nursery sales person that they would grow to about 6 feet tall and only about 18 - 25 inches wide. I have found some info on the web that agrees with that, but have also found some distressing info which says they will grow to 50 feet tall or more!!
The info on the plant tag says "grows to 6 feet in 10 years". I assumed that meant that it would take it 10 years for them to reach their height of 6 feet. Do they mean that it will continue to grow beyond that to 50 feet?
I bought them for a small area, and if they're going to grow to 50 feet, I really have no place for them. Can these be pruned to keep them small?

Thanks for your help,

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

If you and they both live long enough (a century or two), you'll see them get that big. But yes, you can prune them like any other yew. Hedging is one alternative, but I prefer selective pruning of the longest branches to retain the natural outline. Prune the tallest few leaders back each year, cutting them below the tops of the general canopy to conceal the cuts.

Guy S.

Cumming, GA(Zone 7a)

Hello Guy,
I've been out of state, and haven't had a chance to check the forum for a while. Thanks very much for your reply and useful info!

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