Question on naming - Black Currant swirl

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

I bought (and successfully germinated) Black currant Swirl Dantura --BUT on the packages it also says BRUGMANSIA in big letters and then BCS .. and then (dantura) - in parenthisis just like that.

Aren't Brugs and dantura diffent things? I got these from J.W. Jung Seed this year -- what did I get?



Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Heather, I would be almost certain that you got datura. There are no purple brugs. Many of the mail order catalogs still don't know the difference between brugs and dats! You'll know soon enough. Post a pic of the leaves and many people will tell you what you have. Good Luck!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Brugs and Datura are in the same family Solanaceae. brug blooms face down towards the ground, whereas datura blooms face up to the skies. wait till u see the bloom to identify the flower properly, since there are one too many different varieties of daturas. here is what Datura metel "Black Currant Swirl" looked like good luck.

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

As long as I get that (the link- pic) I am happy-- that is what the picture showed in the catalog- but after joining this board and learning more and more, I got a little nervous.... Thanks! I can't wait until it flowers!


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Keep us posted on your progress.


Greenwell Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

funny story about that, i was in my LGC the other day and i was chatting up an employee about angel's trumpets...he proceeded to tell me (with a smug smile) that the genus named brugmansia is not used anymore and the genus datura has taken its

i just smiled and nodded (they get so huffy when you correct them) lol

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

These is indeed too much confusion surrounding Daturas and Brugmansia, but hopefully having a Datura Forum hopefully will help to educate.


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