Climbing/Vining Pussy willow??

Salem, OR

I could have sworn I saw a pussy willow climbing over the top of an arbor. Most of the soft little buds had already grown long and green, but some were still soft and grey. Has anyone seen such a thing?


Hi Hanna,
Good to see someone from Salem here. Welcome...
I gave it some thought and it may have been a weeping pussywillow. The individual may have taken the time to prune and train it for that sole purpose. I bet it was beautiful.

Salem, OR

It was at the Oregon Gardens, actually. And yes, it was stunning. We were just leaving, rushing up the hill and it stopped me in my tracks. Now, of course, I HAVE to have that. Its branches were all tangled and roped, it looked very natural, but I suppose someone could keep poking the branches up through the trellis, sort of like weaving.

Please feel free to email me @! I am likewise glad to see someone local on this wonderful site!

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