Wisteria not growing

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I've heard that wisteria can be aggressive. I must be doing something really wrong because mine isn't doing anything. I bought 2 last year (bareroot) and planted them in a large container. I didn't plant them in the ground because I know they can take several years to bloom and I don't plan on living here that long. I have some small buds, but don't seem to be growing at all. Granted, our weather here has been pretty chilly and yucky lately--it's been in the low 40s at night here. Could the lack of warmth be the problem, or the fact that they are in a container? Both? TIA, Tamara

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

I bought dormant wisteria in baggies at Lowes three years ago. The first year they did nothing, had about two leaves each. Last year I planted one near the house and gave it a stake. It must have sensed (?) that the stake was there, because in a matter of days it reached out, grabbed the stake, and shot up five feet. Literally five feet in about a week. When it got to the top of the stake (five feet) it stopped again. This year is has leafed out beautifully already. Late last season, I put the other one in a friend's yard with a stake. It has leaf buds now, is about 12" tall. I can't wait to see if it finds the stake and shoots up like the other one, I will let you know. I realize this probably isn't a lot of help, but I thought I'd just let you know what mine did.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8a)

I think its the cold weather, if they are budding they should be fine when it warms up.


Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Mine is in bloom right now and the new growth is just getting started. Don't give up. It's looking like the one I have is going to be hard to hold back now. No bloomed in the last three years, but this year it has 22 on it...so far.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Zone5, I have a wisteria growing in a big pot. It's about 6 ft. tall, trained around a stake, standard-style. It did nothing for about a month, until it really began warming up around here. It also seems to like alot of water (about a gallon per day in heat), and sprouted ALOT of new foliage after I watered with fish emulsion to get it started.

I'd say patience is just the key here, and a good dose of warm weather!


Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks everyone! I will wait and see how it goes after the nicer weather FINALLY arrives! Tamara

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