Foot stomping great - Fairport Convention

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi I'm home! Let me see, it's midnight...

I've been to the Fairport Convention concert! Fabulous!! There's five in the band and number 6 does all the sound stuff. It was in the crypt in Middlesbrough Town Hall - a long time since I was last there. It's where they hold all the pop concerts, and record fairs. Not as posh as the auditorium upstairs where they do the awards. Melamine tables and plastic chairs. Anyway, quite serviceable. Most people were just like me, dressed casually. Mostly middle-aged but some young people as well. Full house just about, which is great!!!

Oh the music was terrific! Lots of fun and very well played. Lead guitar, bass guitar, fiddle, mandolin and drums. I was sat right at the front so I'd a wonderful view. It was a little loud at times, but not enough to spoil it. The music all went down very well. We called the band back for an encore!!! A great night!!!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Did you take any pictures during the concert, or was it not allowed? It sounds like a wonderful evening!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Doris! No, I didn't take any pics. I don't think it's fair on the artists to have lights flashing in their face, unless it's for promotion/publicity and authorised. There was a flash going off occasionally, but it might have been an official photographer.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much after wondering if it would all be too loud and frenetic :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, it was a bit loud. It WAS acoustic after all. But amplified. Really quite loud, a bit too loud for my taste. Of course, it was a big hall so it was necessary. Lots of speakers. I was sat right in the front too, so my ear-drums got quite a blasting!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL, at least you could see what was going on. So frustrating to be behind tall people and not get a look in at these things

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, it was all flat, all on one level. I was there quite early, so I had the choice of where to sit. I could choose between sitting further back and having heads in front of me, but maybe more comfortable hearing. Or at the front with a great view, but a bit loud. Well, I'm very small (short), so at the front seemed the sensible thing to do.

It was great seeing them after all these years. But they've had a lot of changes in their line-up. There is only one member left from the original group. It was a trifle on the dear side too. So, although I enjoyed it, I won't be worried if I don't see them again for a few more years. I certainly won't be bothering with their festival.

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