Pomegranate in bloom

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

My pomegranate is now in bloom.

Thumbnail by rylaff
Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Wish I could grow it up here in Illinois!

Guy S.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


Try growing it in a large pot and overwinter it indoors. It's self-fruitful so you only need one.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

already have more than 200 tender trees that have to be wintered in greenhouses. Right now I have a Mexican flowering dogwood blooming that I grew from seed I collected in Nuevo Leon 10 years ago (see pic), and a Mexican buckeye (Ungnadia), and some Chinese and Central American oaks, and a fifteen-foot Agave weberi, and . . .

Every time I see something spectacular on one of my trips I gotta grow it. It's a disease -- save me from myself!

Guy S.

Thumbnail by StarhillForest
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

That is a fascinating flower. What is the scientific name of that tree? How long does it take to get all those trees in and out of your greenhouses? Would you mind taking photos and sharing them with us?

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

The dogwood is known variously as Cornus florida var. pringlei or Cornus urbiniana. I'm not sure which status is currently accepted. I collected the seeds in the mountains south of Monterrey, Mexico about 10 years ago. Had to remove all the pulp before I could bring them across the border through APHIS inspection, even though I had the permit. Tried to push the envelope and grow several of the seedlings outdoors in protected locations, but they all died. So this last one will stay as a potted tree.

It takes about two weeks, working in stages, to relocate everything each spring and fall. But part of that is pruning, some repotting, etc., and we nearly always have to cover everything at least once each spring to protect from an untimely frost -- that takes several hours also. If I stopped to think about it I might feel overwhelmed, so I just dive in! You can find links to some pics on our arboretum web site -- www.StarhillForest.com (Terry, I hope it's OK to mention that -- if not, please accept my apology and feel free to delete it).

Guy S.

Austin, TX

I just joined from Austin, Texas (where else!) on the basis of a lust driven quest for Cornus florida var pringlei. Is there a source anywhere or are you amenable to trading for a Jasminium parkerii or such perhaps?

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