What Vegetables grow in Partial Sun?

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

I have an area that isn't all sunny. Can I grow lettuce or anything in a semi-sunny location in my garden?

The Corn, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Zuchinni, Summer Squash, Pumpkin, Acorn Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Canteloupe, will take up almost all the "Sunny" part of my garden. It has sun in that area from morning till sun set.

I still have Radishes, Beets, Spinach, Lettuce, Green Onions (scallion), Green Beans, Wax Beans, and Broccoli.

Part of the garden gets sun in the morning and then is gone by 1PM - (in the shade)
Part of the garden gets sun in the afternoon but not in the morning hours.



Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Hi Darrell. There is another thread here that was just recently discussing this:

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Remember that afternoon sun is much hotter than morning sun. Plants that like it cool (lettuce, spinach, beets, broccoli, I think) might do well with morning sun. If it's not shady until 1, that'll give you 7 or more hours of light, which seems like a reasonable amt.

For conserving space in the full-sun area of the garden, consider trellising some of those vining crops.

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

In the part that gets full sun, I'm going to put the corn and the tomatoes, summer squash, (yellow and green), Zuchinni, and cucumbers, up a trellis. I have 10 Nettings that are 6 feet high and 20 feet long.

I'm beginning to think I goofed. The way it is now, my rows will be planted North and South. The corn won't get sun because the things on trellises will block the sun. and vice versa....the corn will block the sun from the things on the trellises. Then again, maybe they don't need direct sun if they are in the sunny part of the garden. lol

In the back of the garden, (where the shade is in the afternoon), I am planting 12 different kinds of lettuce, and 3 kinds of spinach in long boxes, mounted on the shed wall with brackets. (to save space)

The area where I saved space, I'll plant the beets, and broccoli. (now that I know they will grow in partial shade/sun. :)

In the front of the garden, I have a 6 1/2 foot tall fence. That area gets sun almost all day long. With the exception of maybe 2 hours, as the sun is setting.

I'm attaching "Stair Stringers", to the side of the fence. Rather than putting steps on the stringers, I'm putting 8 foot long boxes. Those 8 foot long boxes run 32 feet long and I'll have 3 rows of those on the steps. (total 96 feet of beans in a 32 foot by 3 foot space).

I need to figure out these rows again so they get full sun without blocking each other's sun.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Did you say rows run N-S? That is how they should go for best sun exposure. An East West row would block sun exposure to whatever is north of it. But also provides a nice windbreak from the Souh Westerly winds we have here.

Now after I say that, I realize you don't live in Nebraska LOL! So your sun exposure could be quite different. Consult with someone from around there to see which way the rows should run...

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