Portulacaria Suggestions

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

This is my Portulacaria afra pseudo-bonsai. Originally the plant was growing in the yard but it got too big for its space so DH dug it up and I cut away about 90% of it and potted it last fall. Any suggestions on how I should trim it now? Should I remove the lowest big branch or cut it back shorter? Should I thin out some of the upper foliage? Anything else??? (Maybe take a picture on a brighter day?)

Thumbnail by Kelli
Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

If mine appeals to you it may serve as a guide in starting a new one. I just cut off a branchlet and stuck it in a pot with soil some years back and this is what I got:

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Straight lines like this (red) are a no-no in Bonsai and the trunk(s) need to taper (green).
It is too late to do any wiring and I doubt that that works well with succulents anyway.
But you can make several new ones right from this one.

Thumbnail by Ulrich
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the suggestions. I guess it's hopeless as a bonsai. I'll just keep it as a regular ol' potted plant or find a new place in the yard for it where it can get big again. (This one did originally come from a cutting that I "stole" from someone's overgrown yard. Maybe I'll start over again and try to make a decent bonsai, if the feeling moves me.)

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

All you need is a pot to plant in.
Good luck and have fun.

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