Need advise for fast growing shrubs/privacy screen for Z5

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

The power company clear cut a 30 ft. swath through the woods under the power lines which USE to be a nice privacy screen between our neighbor and our property line. I mean they cut everything down to the ground. I talked with the power company and they said we can replant it with shrubs that don't get more than 10 ft. -12 ft tall. I'd like a mixed planting.
Any suggestions on what to plant?
I'm seeking hardy for Z5, carefree, dense (for privacy) and preferably fast growing shrubs.
Thanks much for any help.
P.S. Somebody mentioned to me that Autumn Olive is fast growing.
Anybody familar with this one?

Sandy Hook, CT(Zone 6a)

Autumns Olive is on my list of invasives for CT so I've just ignored that one. Cedar 'Green Giant' and hybrid poplar are 2 I've looked at...we live in the bowl of an old sand quarry and there are only the 20 or so Bradford pears that the builders planted plus about 6 junipers on the whole 40+ acre development.....

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

If you like Rose of Sharon, I can send you as many as your heart desires for postage. They've practically taken over my mother's yard and I'm trying to clear out the mess(so I've come to hate them!), but they may suite your needs well. 4-5' tall ones dig easily, so you could start out with a pretty good screen.

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Sorry I've been sick with bronchitis so my time online has been limited. Thanks much for ther offer I can't even think about planting anything right now...I am so behind on gardening due to being sick....but how nice of you to offer. :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ug! I used to get bronchitis every spring-it's so awful! And at the worst possible time of year. I'll be sending you healing thoughts through cyber space. A friend of mine has tons of Autumn olive to, but it has become invasive for him, so you may want to X that idea. But if you do want to try that or Rose of Sharon in the fall, just let me know. Echinacea and Vitamin C always seemed to help me kick it faster-hope you're well soon, Neal.

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Neal, I will keep your offer in mind and thanks for your get well wishes. I seem to be getting over the hump the last few days and re-gaining my strength and coughing less but in addition I pulled a muscle in my back rib area from coughing so hard and the doc says thats can take weeks to *months to heal*. oh joy.
So I'm going to have to be careful but by josh I'm going to get out in the garden no matter what real soon.
Thanks again. ;)
PS Thanks for the info on Auturm Olive from s24g and Neal.

East Prairie, MO(Zone 7a)

I too am interested in fast growing trees. We bought this lot last september and have no trees at all but for the pine trees lining the property line. They do not give us shade as yet. I need something that would grow fast and would not damage our septic tank and drain lines.


Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Hybrid Poplars are fast growing if you water them alot but not very long lived. Maybe 20 years? I'm guessing here.
Silver Maples grow pretty fast
I don't know of any tree planted close to a drain field that won't send its roots towards the water.

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