
Danville, VA(Zone 7b)

Has anyone had any luck with Nem-oil?

somewhere, PA

Do you mean neem oil?

Danville, VA(Zone 7b)

yes, sorry about that.

somewhere, PA

Give me a few months! I bought some for my roses.
Too early here to even think about needing it yet.

Danville, VA(Zone 7b)

I've been using it on my tomatoes and everything else in the gh and it seems to calm things down but isn't killing them completely. Must be the eggs coming back on me, I guess. But what I like about it is that it doesn't kill the plants or the preyamantis. let me know how it does for you.

somewhere, PA

Well, I feel really stupid here but I checked and I've been using something call "Bio-Neem"
in my greenhouse for a year now. I had an explosion of scale/mealy bugs. As you say, it
calmed things down but I still had the scale on my citrus & hybiscus especially. I'd spray and
within a week or two, the scale would be back. I finally gave in an got a pyrethrum-
based time-release spray from Charlies Greenhouse. That seems to really knock everything
down but occasionally (1-2mo) I'll find those nasty white guys on my hybiscus or citrus. But its
night and day where I was a year or two ago!

But - I'll let you know how the neem spray works on my roses this summer.

Can't believe how bad my memory is getting! Argh.

Danville, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Tammy, I'm thinking seriously about getting some kind of systemic stuff. That way it won't hurt the mantis in the gh. Just keep me informed and I'll do the same.

N. Mississippi, MS(Zone 8a)

purchase lady bugs and let them go in your greenhouse along with the praying mantis. Lady bugs will eat ten times thier weight in soft bodied pests. Hope this helps someone out there.

Danville, VA(Zone 7b)

I thought about doing that, but I haven't found out the best place to get them yet. I'll have them for next year. I believe the larva its more than the actual bug does. I'll chech in to it a little more. thanks for reminding me.

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