Any ideas (untended park)?

Hi everybody... This tree is growing in an untended park across the street from my home. The trunk is good sized and has growth all up and down it. There are several dead trees in this 'park'. This tree got foliage very early in spring. It looks like it is trying to recover from all the neglect it has suffered. Putting up two photos... Got any ideas what it might be?
Thanks- angele (first post to your forum) :-)

Thumbnail by angele

kind of a dark photo but hopefully you can get an idea of height & form. Form may be different from its norm if this tree is trying to recover from drought?

Thumbnail by angele
Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Possibly Sambucus mexicana? Look that up and see if it fits.
Guy S.

Thanks Guy... I posted this over in 'identification' cause I thought no one was home over here in trees :-) someone over there thought some kind of Elderberry too.
must be.. sure smells nice. I have one blossom in a vase on my desk & the whole room smells sweet. The mesquite is in full bloom too and when I go outside; man o man; heaven

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