Kiwi Fruit Seeds...

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i recently heard on a tv prog that you could grow a lovely vine from the seeds of kiwi fruit.. does anyone know the best way to get the seeds started? do i need to dry them out? and how do i get them to germinate?

I just cleaned mine, and put them on top of a piece of damp paper towel in a plastic tray on the window sill. I think they germinated quite quickly. They make beautiful house plants - red fuzzy stems, brown velvety buds, huge quilted hairy leaves. I put mine outside last year, and it survived the winter and seems to have decided to grow this year. You need both male and female plants to get fruit, and apparently plants grown from seed are usually male, but they're interesting anyway. You get plenty of seeds in a fruit, so you can afford to try several different methods.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

nice one! i'll certainly try that - if anyone wants some of thses plants when they come up just let me know! what are the flowers like? and how would i tell which was a male and which was a female? sorry, im new to this!


Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Lilith,
I think the male vines have the pinkish tips on the leaves(very ornamental to grow) and the females are just green. Some varieties of Kiwi fruit are self-fertile, so you'd get a vine without any gender color distinction.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

ive got some seeds and have just cleaned,dried and sown them, thanks for your help everyone!

no luck yet


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