after rototilling question

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

all the years i have been growing vegetables before and after i got my tiller i always raked the ground afterwards so it looked nice and even and smooth. last week i was out rototilling and before i got around to raking it my legs gave out (getting old i guess) when i checked the garden out today i though what would happen if i just planted the veggies in the earth the way it is (with all the high and lows of the dirt)
can anyone tell me if it makes a difference when planting. i thought with the way the ground looks now, it would be fairly easy to plant and then smooth the dirt around the plant or maybe just leave it the way it is. maybe the plants would be better off that way. would appreciate advice on this. i thought the garden looked neater by raking it but at 61 years old maybe it looks good enough. LOL


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Wait 10 more years, then you can talk about aging. All kidding aside it won't make much difference to the plants. In fact smoothing the soil is a disadvantage in a clay based soil as it tends to "bake"( form a hard crust on top.)

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

thank you for your advice. i think i will leave it the way it is.

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