Dural White Butterfly

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks to Tazzy and her good advice as well as her contribution of the 2 plants I have, here's my very first Iris bloom. I have never seen such a beautiful white bloom! Could that be because this is my very first?

I've wanted Iris' but because of the heat down here the only ones I knew for sure I could grow are African Iris and Walkin' Iris.

Well, now I have these.

Thanks so much (((((Tazzy))))


Thumbnail by MollyMc
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Beautiful Molly, I'm so excited for you. And that is a really beautiful Iris. I love flying in the face of zone rules. I'll bet you could do early iris pretty well. How about some Louisiana Iris next year? :-) I'm just evil and bad, ask anyone.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I already know that it doesn't get cold enough here for Beardeds and Siberians, and I'm saving my fridgerator space for hostas.

Now it seems everytime I try to get some Louisiana Iris, I think I may be getting some but something must happen, because I don't have any. Maybe I got some at the old house and forgot to bring it with me. Right now though, nada.

I like challenges (the zone rules thing), but I never set any goals that are not attainable.


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Molly you are getting a bunch more new colors i about two weeks from me > GOT you hooked ? HEE! HEE !

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Yep Patti,

I love these iris. More colors? Cool, which ones? In two weeks? I'm so excited and I don't have to dig ground for these.


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

orange ,pink .maybe a.black one ?and red

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Wow Tazzy,

They sound great to me. I have more 5 gallon buckets to make bogs in. Or maybe I will just pick up a small wading pool and make an Iris pond.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Good Morning Patty,

Know what I went and did? I bought a 50 gallon preformed plastic pond the other day. Lowe's sent me a $10.00 gift card and I had to think up what to buy with it.

My brother has been talking about doing a pond, so I was inspired. This one is a kidney shape with a shelf in it for putting pots to keep their feet wet.

I will only bury it half way plus a bit, keep it as a still water, throw in some oxygenating plants and a few small feeder goldfish. I'm thinking about putting it back in that corner in the shade area. It should help cut down on algae growth and there are already some EE's back in there which should end up bordering the pond, if I work it right. I just have to situate it so I don't have to dig up too many things to fit it in.

Now that I look again at the shade area, which is growing by leaps and bounds, I guess I better plant that pond right where it is. No room behind it in that corner there.

But, I have lots of room now for more bog iris!!!!!


Thumbnail by MollyMc
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i have a lot of them they are great I put small pumps in them to move water just a little and keep algae down there are little donut things you put in that kills mosquito's for months and doesn't harm fish .

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

There is also concentrated barley. It's great at keeping down the algae. I've found the barley blocks just don't work.

It's good that you didn't put the LA's in pots. I hear that they crawl right out of them. And I've found that my zone is hot enough that generally things can tolerate a little more shade. And your hot is hotter than my hot. :-)

Great pond!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

As is the case with me, frequently I change my mind. I put the pond in yesterday and I'm very please with the location now.

I put it in on the north side of a caster bean tree. This will give it a bit of shade at the hottest part of the day. The house will shade it late in the afternoon. I can see it from the windows in my Florida room so can enjoy watching any birds that come by for a bath.

I will need to get some floating plants to put in to keep the algae down and I want to get some feeders fish to put in as well. That will have to be later in the week. I need to got to work and earn some more money first.

This message was edited May 2, 2005 6:22 AM

Thumbnail by MollyMc
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Here's another view. Way in the back you can see the White Iris behind the birdbath. They are still in the bog bucket and blooming.

I ran out of energy, plus they are blooming and I didn't want to disturb the bloom cycle yet. I am enjoying them too much.


Thumbnail by MollyMc
Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Lovely back yard, Molly


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

cool looks nice will send as soon as they bloom to make sure they haven't jumped and got in neighboring pot and i send one wrong name and fell stupid Cajun Sunrise is blooming today . I think i gave you that and GRclay too ?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I have 2 iris' from you, both are the Dural White Butterfly's.

I look forward to more. Thanks so much.


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

here is Cajun Sunrise soon to be yours blooming today

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

In pond !

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i am 5'5" this in in pond with pots level with rim on
fiber glass pond it hits me chest high ,
since i dont have fish in my pond i can
just throw my fertiler in water . and do they love it ?

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

pond two ,these are about 6 to 7 feet long by 3 feet wide
stargering depths of 2 to 3 ft.

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i think this is pond 3

This message was edited May 2, 2005 8:02 PM

Thumbnail by tazzy
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Beeeeeauuuuutiful Patty,

Those are some hugh Iris'

I can't wait. Will they keep blooming all summer?


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

they might re -bloom in your climate if well fed ???
the foliage is pretty all year round in ponds .

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Tazzy, I love both of those iris! I am putting a pond in the corner of my back yard in a couple of weeks. Would love to have a start of those if you have some to spare! BTW, will get that orphan iris to you soon. We are under a FREEZE warning here tonight through Wednesday morning. Had to lug all those potted calas, caladiums, EE etc back into the house for the 3rd time. Don't think they will go back out till JUNE.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Oh help. Why didn't I order Cajun Sunrise with my order from Iris City Gardens last year. What wonderful colour. And I bet nobody here in Canada grows it. sob sob whimper and wail.

On the positive side, however, ALL my LAs are growing VERY WELL. D>K> Williamson is
small though.

Echoes looked after them very well for the winter. A couple even bloomed so we will have our very own Cdn hybridized LA, as long s the seedpod hurries up.

Every single ensata from ICG came through the winter well, . I did put a bag of leaves over each one for the winter.

Here is one of the LAs that bloomed under lights this winter for Echoes. Princess Leia

Inanda - who thanks Tazzy for the pix.

Thumbnail by inanda
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the photos Tazzy. I did just order Cajun Sunrise from Iris City Gardens. How fast do the clumps multiply? Iris City Gardens said that I didn't have to put them in a pond. Have you tried it?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I have a depth of about 10 feet 0r more of sand . i have tried evry thing to grow / but this works and i get them looking me in the eye, some years LOL .
They dont call this Sand Springs for nothing .
Tons and miles of sand only one spring.
Drat !
and its 10 miles east of me.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You do need a pond then. I've got nice hard clay. I've amended it a thousand times, but I still have to do it again every time I plant. Gardening in sand, however, sounds like it might even be worse.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

La multiply if happy ? twice as fast as TBs etc

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks Tazzy. I can't tell you how helpful the photo of your LA's was. I looked all over the net and couldn't find any photos this good. Are they in the plant files?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Praline Festival ( La. )1997

Thumbnail by tazzy
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Tazzy, have you been reading my email? So far I've ordered all three of these. I'm glad that I stumbled into some good ones. :-)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

This is what else Tazzy knows I ordered. LOL


Guess you guys are going to be getting some LAs in a few years. I've organized them in groups by height and color. It was a whole lot of fun. Except for Cajun Sunrise. I couldn't put it with anything else. It's too fabulous.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

doss you need ( garnett storm dancer ) whem it blooms i will post pic .
It is the most beutiful Iris i have ever saw and i have grown thousands in last 40 years

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks Tazzy, I just whipped out an e-mail to ICG. 'Garnett Storm Dancer' is on the limited list but it is still early. I'd wait for trades, but our California rules just don't allow for importation. You'd think that we were another country. I am a rule follower though.

It is beautiful, and it's not enormously tall either. 30 inches is a really nice size and it sounds from what you say that it blooms later. How large is the flower?

Thanks for the heads up.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Bet your glad you ordered it ? look what was blooming this morning ? GARNETT STORM DANCER ( La.)

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

The film dose not show it true color here in my acid pond it is less purple and more true black .
yes it a shot one but all the really dark almost black are !
' About Midnight ' is the closest to a pure black and it is short too
Garnett Storm Dancer

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh the silly thing posted twice kept telling me to refresh not responding .

Thumbnail by tazzy
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I just love that Dural White Butterfly!


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