Clematis an honeysuckle neighbors

erie, PA(Zone 5a)

A couple of years ago I put in 2 clematis vines that are doing great, but to add some sweet smells to the area I am thinking of putting in some honeysuckle among the clematis. Do yoy think they will be compatable with each other, will the one over grow the other fighting for sunlight? Should I prune the honeysuckle the same time I prune the Clematis(early spring). Any help will be appricated. Gil

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Hi, Gil. I wouldn't personally put the two together. The honeysuckle is more a woody vine than the clematis and it probably would smoother it. I don't prune my honeysuckle. But you could if you want it to go a certain way. Mine has become top heavy that last year we've had to tie it up to the side of the The morning doves love it because they build they're nest in it. Here is a picture I have. It's not a close up of it but it's the one that is closest to the chimney stack.
:) Donna

Thumbnail by PerennialGirl
erie, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the info, Donna. I 'll have to find another spot close to my gazebo to plant the honeysucklles but will still be able to enjoy their fragrance. I really like your front garden with the arbor, I've been wanting to get one but didn't know where to put it, but you have given me an idea. I take it this picture was taken last summer, not recently!! Gil.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Yep and thanks for the compliment. The grass is green and things are starting to pop out of the ground. I have a few things that are starting to bloom.
:) Donna

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