Holly tree

East Prairie, MO(Zone 7a)

I was walking my grandson yesterday and was enjoying the flowers and the smells of spring. I was walking beneath this large holly tree and then noticed this amazing scent. Started looking for a flower or something that might be it. Then I looked back and noticed this holly tree with tiny little flowers on it and the bees was swarming around it. I picked off a branch and decided that was the scent I was smelling. I took it back to the house to show my daughter and she too thought it smelled very good. When my son-in-law got home I showed it too him and he sniffed it and the aroma was gone. Does anyone know what this could have been. I forgot and left the branch there. I will call today and tell them to put it in some water for me and take a picture of it the next time I go


North East England, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Holly flowers are often highly scented to make them attractive to insects when not many other flowers are out. As the stem had been cut I suppose it's understandable that the scent would have faded by the time your son in law got to smell it. Holly flowers are tiny though so it's nice that it was the scent that made you notice them!

East Prairie, MO(Zone 7a)

I walked under the same holly treee today and the scent was gone. Flowers was also gone too. There was no bees swarming around it today either. We had a couple days with hard rain and winds so could have something to do with it. It sure was a lovely scent though.

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