Oops! Can I save these lilies?

Sandy Hook, CT(Zone 6a)

My DH planted a bed of perennials when we moved into this new house 2 years ago. Last fall I moved everything but the lilies he put in and today, completely forgetting they were there, I re-dug the bed to prepare it for veggies.

Imagine my surprise when the huge (4") bright yellow bulbs came up with my dirt. I've got plenty of room for them in the yard but I really hacked some of them up. Will they survive if I replant them tomorrow? (Right now they are in the wheel barrow covered with about 4" of soil.) A lot of the scales came off, should I try to plant those as is, toss them, or put them in a bag of vermiculite?

Thanks for any help.....Sonya (very sore from digging out mounds of rocks today ;-)

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

http://www.landspro.com/page2.htm I'd replant them and scale some maybe? Here's the info... don'tcha just hate it when that happens? :(

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Replant and plant the scales around the stem or where the stem will be. Maddeningthing to happen but lilies are tough as old boots as long as they have decent drainage, good nutrition and correct amount of sun (depending on your latitude).

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

oh thanks, Ginny, I'm following u around, was going to ask u to take a gander at this thread. :)

Sandy Hook, CT(Zone 6a)


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