Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I have these cannas to trade:

Richard Wallace
Florence Vaughn
Miss Oklahoma
Rosemond Cole
Pink Beauty
Red Dazzler
Crimson Beauty
China Doll
Red Futurity
China Lass
Red Wine
Orange Punch
Apricot frost
Tropicanna Gold
Striped Beauty (Christ's Light)
Orange Beauty
Tropical Sunrise
Primrose Yellow
Black Knight
City of Portland

My cannas are all true to name. I get them from hybridizers, not box stores. Most of these rhizomes are fairly large, bigger than what you'd get at Walmart. They're healthy, ready to spring to action once you place them in ground. Cannas grow fast and bloom the first year. They love sun and water, but they tolerate drought well for me. Any canna can grow in or around the pond. For pond growing, pot the canna, let it sprout a few leaves, and THEN it's safe to put it in the pond. But set the pot shallowly, only about 2 or 3 inches in the water. Cannas like their feet wet, but they don't like to drown.

I am looking for named daylilies, other cannas, named hostas, named Louisiana irises, named Japanese irises, toad lilies, candy lilies, foxtail lilies, painted ferns, sword ferns, pink pampas grass, black bamboo, and other perennials.

If you don't have plants to trade, I'll trade for Bob Ross and Donna Dewberry books, videos, paint supplies, as well as gardening books with lots of pictures, garden signs, good sturdy weather proof birdhouses, pond liner, pump, submersible pond lights, and anything else I can use in my garden or my home.

This is the last call for cannas. I want to get my trading done and my plants planted before my Garden Party in 4 weeks. (You're welcome to attend, if you'd like. I'm in Jonesboro, AR, about an hour from Memphis). So if you wanna trade, holler.

Thank you for looking.


Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

I don't have the plants you are looking for, but I have lots of gardening books. Do you have any other gardening books in mind?

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

What are you looking for in your home? I have antique glassware, cotton bales (salesmans samples), coins, old photos, etc etc etc - ummmmmm trying to think of what else . . . . . . . . let me know if anything of this type of stuff could sway ya. - I would be interested in Miss Oklahoma, China Lass, Striped Beauty (Christ's Light), Black Knight, City of Portland, or/and Cleopatra

Thanks Mitch

Edited to say - I also have a few pieces of Caravel Glass we bought from a dealer here so they should be safe that I would trade for a large group if you like carnaval ware.

This message was edited Apr 21, 2005 4:31 PM

Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

I have the variegated daylily Qwaunso..triple orange flowers and pure white striped leaves. Grown mostly for the foliage.I have many hostas......if you know a kind that you are looking for..I am interested in the spitfire cannas.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

please check out my list~~~It needs updating so please ask me!
I also have gardening books and magazines at bottom my trade list thanks and have a wonderful day!
Here is my list!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi ,
I'd be interested in a trade or two. I'm sure I can find something you might like either plants,art supplies, gardening books, garden art, etc...add me to your list and I will get a list together of my offer & send it to you.


Brussels, WI(Zone 5a)

I would love to trade for any of these cannas, if you are interested in my patriot hosta.
Cleopatra** Red Wine* Spitfire* Red Dazzler* Rosemond Cole* Pretoria*
Richard Wallace*

If not, I'm sure I can find something "garden themed" that you would be interested in. Let me know!


Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

I have some named daylilies-Mini Pearl, Walt Disney, can't think of the others off the top of my head, and other perennials I can't think of off the top of my head--I am at work.
I would be interested in Orange punch, Tropical sunrise, china doll, china lass and Apricot frost.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I have the following canna coming in the coop soon that I can trade
Journeys End
Salmon Pink
Maudie Malcolm
Madam Butterfly

Would like:
Rosemond Cole
Black Knight
City of Portland


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hey Jan,

Thanks for answering my post, but I alreayd have all those cannas too.


Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Sorry, didn't see them on your list.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Jan, I just bought them not long ago, so I didn't have any to trade. I have about 50 varieties of cannas currently, but many aren't enough to trade. I only listed what I have to trade. Thanks for your offer though. If I didn't already have them, I'd certainly trade with ya.


McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Nancy Ann: Here's something I bet you don't have: An original watercolor done by me! Also have lots of art books. There are quite a few of your cannas that I would love a little piece of, but I have to restrain myself somewhat because in the fall I have to dig these babes up and haul them into the basement, and then haul them OUT again in the spring... Also have lots of dahlia Ellen Huston if you are interested...

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hey Caitlin,

I'm sorry to say I have no more room on my walls for anything. I do oil painting myself and have my paintings as well as paintings from friends. Until I move to a bigger house, I just can't hang anything else on the walls, altho I'd love one of your water colors. Someday, I wanna try water color myself. For now, I only do the Bob Ross technique and I want to learn the Donna Dewberry technique. Do you have any of their books?

Isn't it a shame that cannas aren't hardy everywhere? They make such a huge impression on people when they see them for the first time. They're so big and bold and they demand attention. Can you tell they are my first love?


Abbottstown, PA(Zone 6a)

I dont have anything you would want but would you want to do a trade in postage with me?

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

No, Vicki, sorry. I don't give away plants for postage anymore since I started my nursery. Sorry.


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I am interested in bright orange or pink canna.
Would either of these books strike your fancy?

Roses Love Garlic
Secrets of Companion Planting with FLowers
BY: Louise Riotte


It's About Thyme
An Herb Manual and Cookbook of Herb and Non-Herb Recipes
By Marge Clark

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Makshi,

I'm really more interested in landscape design and water gardens right now. But thank you for offering.


Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

I have several books:"The Intuitive Gardener-Finding Creative freedom in the Garden","Illustrated Guide to stencilling","Crafting Lamps and Shades",plus a nice "Black Knight"asclepias,and perovskia.
Anything strike your fancy?

Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

Here is a photo of the books....
Also not in photo,Alan Blooms' "Perennials in Island Beds"

This message was edited Apr 27, 2005 5:25 PM

Thumbnail by golgi
Soquel, CA(Zone 9a)

I have black bamboo...
will have to look up all these names to see which cannas I like!
black knight and red wine sound like my kinda colors...
will mail you

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I would like any canna that has light-colored or striped leaves. I have a hosta called Pioneer, with cream-colored edges. I also have some sedum "Autumn Joy" and the monkey grass with the dark purple blooms instead of the pale lavender blooms.

Albrightsville, PA(Zone 4a)

I'm interested in Tangello, tropicanna gold and orange punch.
I have two brand new table top fountain pumps if you can use them. I don't think I have any cannas that you don't already have.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I still have a few of these cannas left if anyone has any named daylilies or hostas that I don't have. I'd like to finish up my trading before I go on vacation.

Thank you guys for all the trades! I'm so excited to see all this stuff growing.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

NancyAnn - which ones do you have left? I have many named daylily cultivars; same with hosta.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hey Pirl,

I still have these cannas available:

Miss Oklahoma
Rosemond Cole
Pink Beauty
Red Dazzler
Crimson Beauty
China Doll
Red Futurity
China Lass
Red Wine
Orange Punch
Apricot frost
Striped Beauty (Christ's Light)
Orange Beauty
Tropical Sunrise
City of Portland

What hostas have you got?


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi NancyAnn,

Hosta Plantaginea, the August Lily, is my favorite - so incredibly fragrant at sundown.
Hosta Blue Moon - forms a nice but very tight mat
Love Pat - another blue with large leaves
Golds: Gold Edger, Gold Beauty

I'll wait for you to let me know if the hostas hold any interest for you. Afterwards I'll check up on the cannas.



Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Arlene, I have all those hostas except the gold beauty. Did you have any other daylilies that you are ready to divide? If not, perhaps we can trade in the fall. Thank you for answering my post.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Many many dayliles! Name your favorites.

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

HI, I am interested in Pink Beauty, Crimson Beauty and China Lass.
I have Min-Stella (already has set one stalk!), Joylene Nicole (from last season's shopping-haven't seen them bloom yet -have to check the extras from shopping if these aren't of interest.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Just a few names of daylilies that you might have some interest in:

Big, tall double KING ALFRED
Pink, pretty, nice plant DANCING SHIVA
Always nice, PANDORA'S BOX
Good yellows: Creative Art, Producer's Showcase
Sweet pink (look it up) BECKY LYNN
FUCHSIA DREAMS (late - large)

...and many more.

NOT REGISTERED BUT I LOVE IT: It's a seedling from Trimmer's Enchanted April - white with pink and it gets deeper pink later in the day. Nice gold edge.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Butterfly Chaser,

I'd like the following:
Striped Beauty
Tropical Sunrise

Please let me know if you want a broader choice in daylilies as I just didn't name them all but I can if you want me to. I can separate by Tetraploid and diploid or earliest bloom to latest bloom.

Arlene (pirl)

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Marcia,

I have the ones you named. Got any others?


I'd love a fan of each of these:

Dancing Shiva
Becky Lynn
Real Wind
Fuschia Dream

And I can give you a rhizome of each of the cannas you want. If you want to do a bigger trade, just let me know. I plan to go to the p.o. tomorrow and can get these in the mail then.



(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

NancyAnn - I'll dig and get you MANY of DS, BL,RW and at least 3 of Fuchsia Dreams. The last one is in a field I haven't cleaned up yet this year so I don't know how much it expanded but I've had it for 5 years so I'm sure there'll be at least 3 for you.

I used to hate it when I'd order 4 from a company and just get exactly 4 in return. It took forever to look like much. This way you're sure to have blooms this year!

Can I send you a bonus of Pandora's Box or do you have it already? I do not want any bonus plants.

I'll ship either tomorrow or Tuesday: I will let you know when I do.

*Monday is our shopping day and our weather here has been really cool and windy.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Butterfly, I would really love to have a Striped Beauty (Christ's Light) and a Cleopatra for my canna garden. Would you take a rooted fucshia cutting of Dollar Princess, a budding morning glory "Milky Way" seedling, Weigela 'Variegata' cuttings, Sedum "Tricolor" cuttings, Dunce's caps cuttings, and/or named angel & rex begonia cuttings? Also have Streptocarpella cuttings. And, you know, I have a couple of named daylilies (Prairie Blue something-or-other and another variety) whose tags faded, and I have no interest in. I'd certainly give those to you if you're interested! lol =)


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)


You really don't have to send a lot. Just a fan or two to get me started would be great. I can't send you a lot of rhizomes, but I can send you two of each of the ones you requested, if that's ok. Some of the rhizomes are rather large and some are small just because that particular canna produces small ones.

If you see any other cannas on my list you're interested in, I'd be interested in trading for some Pandora's Box and Chorus Line. What do you think?


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Mk, at this time I'm only interested in named daylilies and named hostas for a project I'm working on for my brother's yard. I have var. wiegela, sedum tricolor, and milky way mg. And I don't do houseplants. Can you believe I kill them all, except for Mother inlaw's tongue and Chinese evergreen. I really don't take care of anything, which is why I choose hardy perennials. They survive my drought, my floods, and my neglect. LOL Thank you for your interest though.


south central, WI(Zone 5a)

HI,NancyAnn-will have to catch up to you next season. My daylilies are mostly from last seasons' purchases and trades-so have not seen them or have had a chance for them to increase--soon though!!:)

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Gotcha, Butterfly. I understand. =) I do have yellow "King Humbert" canna that I could trade........also have a 'Tricolor' sweet potato vine.....gorgeous stuff:

Anyway, if there's any interest on your part........=)


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)


I have Yellow King Humbert (aka Florence Vaughn) also. Thanks anyway.

Hey, I'm gonna be in TX from May 23 thru the 29th. I'll be travelling thru Dallas and staying in Granbury. Do you live anywhere close to those?


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