Liquid Organic lawn aeration

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5a)

Has anyone ever heard of this? The local organic lawn care co. claims it goes deeper than the standard aerator (2") and its actually cheaper. If you've ever heard of it does it work, is it effective?Thanks in advance, John.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

You mean you just spray it on or pour it on?

Lochbuie, CO(Zone 5b)

Are you talking about a product called Revive?

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5a)

It's sprayed on yes, drains into the soil. I don't know the product name or whats in it, if the lawn care company did that they wouldn't have any business. If its available over the counter it's not available in this area of NY. This isn't exactly a hotbed for organic anything. Thanks, John.

Lochbuie, CO(Zone 5b)

Well, we have a product here called Revive that's an organic supplement for the lawn - its supposed to loosen/aerate the soil and increase the water retention - its been big here because of the drought. I used it twice last year - can't really say I saw any difference at all in the health of my lawn, I had it core aerated this year. It cost me $41 which is the same as what I spent on 2 applications of Revive last summer, so we'll see if it does better this year or not. Good Luck -C

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