Interview blues

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Not happy about the interview I did yesterday.

There was three people interviewing me, a Personnel Officer who didn't say very much because the college already employs me. There was a Curriculum Manager and a Digital Imaging lecturer.

It didn't get off to a good start. The Curriculum man said that my biology teaching wasn't relevant - it was too different he said. Then the digital imaging chappie took over. I started prattling away about using my camera to create my original digital images. The course has nothing to do with digital photography (the interview for a digital imaging post that I went to last autumn was to help amateur photographers, and the digital imaging courses taught at Riverside College where I do some voluntary work are also to help people manipulate their images).

The coursework is similar to the university course that I did at Teesside. But the course is taught within the Art and Design school, not computing. I think they were really looking for someone with an art and design feel to their digital imaging. And I hadn't brought a portfolio with me, or had a website up.

I'm actually very good at this particular skill. I got an A in this particular module, and glowing reports from the lecturer.

I'm waiting to hear, but I'm not optimisitic about it. They were interviewing quite a number of other people and I think they will find someone that they hit if off with. Face fits and all that.

Ah, the phone's just rung. Karen to say that I was unsuccessful. They had stronger candidates with more experience in using Photoshop.


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Never mind Diane - the right thing is probably just around the corner.
It's all good experience (even when it's a bad experience - if you know what I mean)

You can build from this and, if you think a similar opportunity may come along, prepare a portfolio and/or consider making a website, to prove what you are capable of. To have these would probably boost your confidence anyway and might be fun to work on?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I don't have the time at the moment Philomel. There are also limits to how much I'm willing to strip my financial assets. I'm looking for a full-time career and I don't see that happening in this line of work. May be time soon to move on.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh well, it all helps to form your ideas for a new future, even if only to confirm this is a direction you won't be taking
Which way are you headed? ,,,,,,,,storytelling? ...........and?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom


I'll apply for any IT jobs that look suitable, but there just aren't very many of them. And I'll also send out some more CV's when I've finished this particular course, though I'm not optimistic.

I'm only on Stage 1 of this particular course, but I just don't see the point of doing Stage 2 if it's not going to lead me in the right direction. Maybe I'll pick up an odd hour or two of teaching work eventually, but I need a full-time career, not just dribs and drabs. If I keep on pursuing the IT idea there's a risk of me losing my home. I had the firm idea of evaluating my chances of work after I had been graduated a year. If you've been graduated for a year and not found suitable work then realistically you need to change track a bit. It's not a year yet, but heading for it.

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