have: herb boxes and Shoo fly sases

Knoxville, TN

Just wanted to let you know i will be sending out
sase Herb boxes and Sase shoo flys the first
week of july.My family has sickness and this has put
me behind.I have alot of new herbs that will be ready also and well as some Rose of Sharon plants ,Matricaria exima,
Yellow flag water iris,abuttilon suntence ,Leycesteria formosa,to put in your boxes.Please email me if u want anything ,I will only send these extra plants to those who ask for them
luv Snail Mail herblady

Murfreesboro, TN

I sent you an email.

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

i also emailed you, janet

Fulton, MS(Zone 7a)

I sent you an eamil.

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