Corkscrew Vine Advice

Orangeville, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello! I have three beautiful babies growing. I'm so excited to have them!!! They are about 6 inches and growing quickly. Living in the north, I know they won't "winter over". I am tempted to grow them exclusively inside. Do I put them all in the same pot? How big a pot? I know I have to give them a trellis (duh). Taking them out and bringing them in, I just hate that process. Okay, just the bringing them in process....spraying, quarentining, watching, babying as they turn yellow and pout after coming indoors...just hate it! So if I keep them in the sunny window I have them in now (which they seem to love), grow 'em up in a nice big pot with lot's of TLC (pot or pots?), think they'll do well?


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

they get very big. I have one that covers a 15ft vine fence. I am sure that if you grew them inside and in pots, that would greatly reduce their size, but I don't know by how much. I would pot them seperately, and don't overwater.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Donna is right...don't over water. Let them completely dry out between waterings, especiallly indoors...
If they yellow, water with epsom salts and fertilizer added to the water.

Orangeville, PA(Zone 6a)

Great thanks for the advice! What does the Epsom salts do?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

About a tablespoon per gallon adds magnesium sulfate(that is what epsom salts really are) to the soil. It helps green them up...
Overwatering causes a mineral defficiency, by the minerals literally getting washed away. This puts them back.

Orangeville, PA(Zone 6a)

Nifty info! Actually I've heard of using that on plants before; I just never knew why. Thank you! :)

How big a-pot would you all suggest for indoor growing?


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