Camellia Question

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I have a problem with my two camellias I planted last year. I went out in the garden one day to find leaves that look like this, and they fall off with just the slightest touch....

Thumbnail by jdee
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

It was suggested that I spray with a funguside, for a similar problem I had with my rose bush. I have some outdoor cats that follow me around, and are pretty nosy about what I do in the garden, so needless to say, I was a nervous wreck until that funguside dried. that was about two weeks ago, and I haven't sprayed since, because I as much as I love my garden, I can't risk the lives of my cats.

A couple of days ago, I was at Walmart, and found another funguside. If didn't have the same warnings concerning pets, and on the lable, it claimed to be for organic gardening. I got some, and sprayed my camellias right away. Right now, it's too soon to tell if it will work, but I do have a good feeling about it. I picked the spotted leaves off (the ones that didn't fall off), and my question is this...

Will I get new leaves to fill in the bald spots, or are they gone for good? The shubs are over all healthy, adn putting out healthy new growth....

Thumbnail by jdee
Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Jdee, you might want to take that leaf to a local nursery. They should have an 'Ortho Problem Solver' book. You can leaf through it and look for an answer. You might want to check to make sure it isn't a virus of some kind.


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Jdee, what's the pH of th soil your camellias are growing in? They like acidic soil with plenty of organic matter in it. They like early morning sun, but should get filtered sunlight the rest of the day. Soil should be moist, but not soggy. The leaves in your photo, while green, have a curved look that could indicate water stress, either not enough or too much. It could also be getting too much bounced sunlight from that white brick behind it. Kachinagirl is right, you want to make sure it is not a virus. Find a nursery with aknowledgeable nurseryman (woman). Many nurseries don't have one. Hope this helps.

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