Sugar Baby Watermelon in a Half Barrel

Cary, NC(Zone 7a)


I'm trying a new technique, growing Sugar Baby watermelons in a half whiskey barrel that is sitting on top of the other half barrel. Has anyone grown watermelon like this before? Any hints on improving the harvest?


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I will be watching this to see what others say. I don't see why it wouldn't work.

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

Been wondering if you EB experts out there have grown Sugar Baby melons in an EB?
One or two plants??Sure would like to try it this year.

Cary, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm assuming an EB is acronym for empty barrel?

Three plants in the barrel and cull the small fruit to gain a good harvest, similar to pumpkins.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

EB = Earthbox. (brand name for a container w/ self-watering system, fertilizer strip, and plastic mulch included) They seem to be gaining in popularity. Haven't used them myself.

Cary, NC(Zone 7a)

Have seen lots of chatter about the earthbox but have never used watermelons take up a large amount of room, please underscore it when I say LARGE, I am not sure they woudl do well in a earthbox, The barrels I'm using have four cubic feet of root space and the vines tumble over the top and travel all along the ground. I am not sure that the earthbox would suffice, I'm not even sure they would be good for tomatoes, despite the manufacturers claims.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Besides they are expensive I think.

Covington, LA(Zone 9b)

Check the Tomatoe fourm, lot of people there use the to grow tomatoes with success, they usually grow two tomatoe plants to each EB. They might be able to chime in on this thread.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I grow strictly in EBs and will compare my tomatos to any others. Tomatos love EBs and Sugar Babys and watermelon do very well. I have grown them. The melons need room for the vines to sprawl but the roots have plenty of room in the EB because they don't have to search for food and water. Go over to the Tomato forum and look up "My New Garden" and see the results. Besides it's a lot of fun. No weeding, no over-fertilizing,no over watering and no worries. Believe me I know as I am severely disabled and would not be able to garden if not for the earthboxes. As far as cost ? Consider the back breaking effort to maintain plants in the ground and the cost if growing in pots ? A large clay pot costs $18 and is subject to breakage while eb's last and last.

Zeppy ---- They use potting soil and not plastic mulch.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

oops. I meant that weed-barrier when i said mulch. forgot about the potting soil... somewhat important, huh.

my sister is growing tomatoes in hers and is very happy. sorry for weird typing... holding baby.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I just picked 30 lbs of tomatos and sending them over to my school for the teachers personal use. They love me. We live on school property. I picked another 30 lbs. yesterday. Anyone for a BLT ? Who said tomatos don't do well in EB's ???? This is an old picture. New ones will be posted tomorrow.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

Tplant....Glad to hear that Sugar Babies do well in EBs as long as there's room enough for the vines to run. Thanks for the encouraging word!!

60 lbs. of 'maters in 2 days??? !!!!!!!!! I'll do well to get 60lbs. during the entire season!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

And that's from five plants ! I have ten more starting to bear. All in earthboxes ! Many of the tomatos are better than 2 lbs. Delicious is the MONSTER of all tomatos and excellent sweet, juicy, thin skinned. Don't leave them on the vine to long or they will crack but we'll talk about that when the time comes. Just got back from the store with a big slab of bacon and a fresh head of iceberg lettuce and a loaf of country white bread. Guess what I'm going to make ???

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

hummmmmmmm????, let me see...... a BLT???? Gotta Be!!!!!
Can I fly down to put my feet under your table for a taste????? Would almost be worth the price of an airline ticket!!! 40 degrees here tonite....just brought my mater plants into the garage for the nite. Supposed to be in the 40s at nite here for the next week or so... I'm HOPING to put them into the garden around May1. We'll see..... Mother Nature isn't cooperating this season.....

BTW, T,...... what variety of yellow-red tomato did your photo show us earlier in this thread??? Hillbilly? Big Rainbow??? What????? Was REALLY a beaut!!!!!!


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

That was a Mr. Stripey. Just finished my (burp) BLT and my doors are always open. I'll put on another BLT but this time w/turkey !!!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Someplace here in the forum are instructions on how to make an EB. It's much cheaper with the same results. I think this is the link that was posted for instructions. The link was posted in DG but I think it's to another location.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

For you earthbox, barrell watermelon growers you might want to try one of the Bush types. They take a lot less space.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks to TPlant I sent my grandmother (she is 99) an EB. I remember visiting their farm in TN and how she loved tomatoes. She and my mother live in FL and now have tiny green tomatoes where there once was none! I know they are getting a real kick out of growing their mini garden in the FL heat.

P.S. TPlant - I lived in PPines/Cooper City for 10+ years! When I get back expect a knock on your door!!


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Great Kim !!

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

I tried growing mellons in a barrel last year and really did poorly. I got like 2 mellons out of 5 plants that got to the edible stage. I am concerned about drainage. What exactly must I do if I want a good chance to succeed. IR Mulch? Drain Holes 6 inches from the bottom. Plant in straight well composted manure? Please... I am looking for the secret?


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