Some Suggestions for my Passies???

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I could use some help with my passion flowers. I have 2 and since they are small don't really want the butterflies eating them just yet. Is there any suggestions for keeping them safe til next year perhaps?
Also, I put them both in separate pots with trelles. I'm not really sure how biig of a pot they need though, so any advice on them would be great!!!

Thanks for any suggestions.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I guess you could put netting over them to keep the momma butterfly from laying eggs. Dipel should kill the cats, or you can hand pick and squish.
I got to where I would scout for eggs and rub them off the leaves(the cats had already eaten my vine to stems and every time it would grow a leaf, the momma butterfly would lay eggs!)

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Callas info is good. I have 2 of mine in a 5 gallon bucket, one in a small hanging basket (That I will have to change this year) one in a 1 gallon pot that has grown through to the ground, one in about a 3 gallon clay pot and one planted in the ground. They all bloom and do really nice, I will change the ones in the smaller pot to larger just because I have to water them to much.................
I spray for Cats on them and some other plants but really don't have that much of a problem. Or should I say not as of yet.....
LOL.......I have found most of mine to be pretty hardy and can take quite abit of abuse............(Don't fertilize them much, or you will get vines, vines, vines and not much flowers) This is Lady Lavender...........


Thumbnail by WillowWasp
The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks to both of you.
I'm hoping to see some blooms this year.
I'll keep in mind the fertilizer ( I'm horrible about burning plants with the stuff)and maybe I can fertilzer it so theres plenty to bloom and some for the critters to eat? lol


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Maybe you could plant an incarnata or incense for the cats(they love both of those varieties).

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

That's a good idea Calalily.I have one regular purple
(whatever it's name is) that is pretty good size now and I have one Alata I really want to see bloom.

I can put them on opposite sides of the yard for now and maybe that will protect my Alata for a little while.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

WOW I had no idea butterfly's and their cats ate of passie's so hard. I've yet to have anything to do any real damage except for a very odd stem rot problem on a Lavender lady last year. I wonder why/how the butterfly's visit but aren't leying eggs or if maybe my beneficial insects I've been buying every year are doing a better job than I ever knew. For as many different flowers as we have, the catapillar damage was pretty much a Brug. problem only and mainly on the weaker hybrids.
I had a huge and beautiful Lavender lady in a pot and I let her use the deck handrail as a trellis. She went 8 ft wide by 5 ft tall and soo thick. Ten 1 day it looked like I forgot to water and it went limp. About 2 inches above soil level, the main stem just looked totally dry rotted and twisted up crunchy. I have never seen anything like it nor have I ever figured out what the heck happened. Thank goodness this 1 roots cuttings easily. PHEW!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

We have Butterflies laying eggs and the cats eating ours all winter. Maybe it is too cold there for this variety of butterfly.

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