Question Compact vs. Bush type vs. Full size zucchini plants

Sunnyvale, CA(Zone 9b)

Can someone tell me the difference between "compact" and "busy type" zucchini?
How big does each type get?

I have one semi-bush and two compacts going right now in EB along with 2 cukes and I was wondering if that is too much stuff or it's OK (since all the zucchinis are of a smaller kind but then I don't know what compact or bush type means really, in regards to size.)



Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Most of the commercial zucchini are the bush, semi-vining, compact types ( the terms seem to be used interchangably although there are variations in plant size). There are vining zucchini but they are relatively rare. Most commercial types have two to three foot vines, but tend to grow upright until after they start producing. Your planting sounds crowded to me but I don't have any experience with earth boxes.

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