Need wisteria help!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Are you successful at growing wisteria and if so what is your secret?
What are the basic needs of a wisteria... ?

I'm well on my way to becoming a wisteria serial killer.

This is my 3rd victim, I've been watching it closely and nothing I do is helping.
Yesterday I swore I heard the wisteria death rattle when I passed by.
I'm in zone 9b and I have seen many grown here that are just amazing.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b) responces yet...well hang in there someone is bound to offer you more advise than I was able to on your other thread.


Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm amazed you can kill a wisteria! They tend to become "killer wisteria", taking over everything! Mine started growing under the back deck and looked like one of those killer plants from the movies!

Anyway, I do NOTHING to my wisteria. I have it on the west side of my deck so it get tons of sun. Mine also gets plenty of water in the summer because the kids put the pool on the lower deck and the water is constantly spilling out. I do have it planted higher than the grown level so it doesn't get wet feet. I've had it for 4 years and this is the first spring I have tons of blooms. Last year I had two. The secret to blooming I am finding out is pruning! I read somewhere here in DG that they bloom after heavy pruning. Well, pruned it big time last fall and wham - tons of blooms this year.

I got this from the internet:
General Care Tips
Chinese Wisteria requires regular watering. Ensure that the soil is well-drained.
An excess in nitrogen may cause an increase in growth, but will in turn reduce
flowering. The best time to fertilize is before bloom in the spring season,
and late summer until leafdrop. Minimize fertilizer during bloom.

Here's another good site:

Good Luck!

Greenwell Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

if your wisteria is in the ground...i would recommend getting a soil test done at your local extension office.....something might be off that you can easily correct.

if its in a pot...that might be your problem. the only wisteria i've ever grown in a pot that did well was the evergreen wisteria.....

i'm with the above poster in that it is invasive and easy to take care of . what seems to be the reason for decline? what happens? does the plant live..but not flower? does it die overnight?

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

It's in a pot...
This time that's probably my problem
If it stops raining maybe I'll get in the ground this weekend and see if it comes back.
Thanks for the suggestions

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Hiya, Dovey. Mine's in a pot too, and doing great. It's in a VERY big pot, in full sun, and watered alot. I have a ton of new growth (no blooms......just got it a couple of months ago). Mine's being trained to be a standard.


New Orleans, LA

I live in New Orleans, and am having trouble with my wisteria as well.
It's in a big pot, morning to early afternoon sun. The problem is the leaves appear to have rust-like blotches and curl up. Some of them appear to have been nibbled on as well.
Any ideas? Thanks so much in advance.

Thumbnail by cathyrenee
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You might not have anything to worry about--many plants start to get a little ratty looking this time of year, but its leaves will be falling off soon anyway.

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