uh oh......groundhog

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

My DH has just informed me that the groundhog that I found in the backyard is likely to become a MAJOR problem. I am going to put some metal fencing around the bace of my wooden fence to discourage the adolecent groundhog from squeezing through. I understand they can dig and climb - - so they can be very difficult to control. Don't own a gun - - so shooting it isn't an option.

Any questions? Has anyone tried fox urine as a repellent?

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5a)

Long before the groundhog was lifted from his burrow and held up so cuddly and cute to do the shadow thing, our forefathers slayed the ugly beast and and celebrated with a feast. Since your probably not too hip on that, try coffee grounds, just a suggestion, but they have proven time and again as a natural repellent to many unwanted garden foes.

Nathalyn, check out this link: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/343923/
I searched and found a few threads on groundhogs.

I tried Cougar (I think) urine last year and they weren't so bad. I also put two large pinwheels near my tomato garden. When it's windy it keeps them away.

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Pinwheels? That would be an easy thing to try. Thanks Elsie!

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

I'd love to hear if any one has success with these ideas. I have a bad groundhog problem in the area by my veggie garden. He/they doesn't (yet) come beyond that area to the beds by the house, but I have given up vegetable gardening until I find a solution. The garden is fenced 5.5 feet high and the fencing runs under ground 2 feet. I though that I would have it covered, but alas . . . they climb. The darned thing(s) actually chased me out of my own garden. The local hardware store recommended stapling several feet of unsupported hardware cloth or chicken wire around the top of the garden. Has anyone tried this? Oh BTW, I have tried coyote urine. It didn't do much to deter the groundhog(s), but worked somewhat okay on the deer problem areas.

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