My First Plant Rescue

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Yesterday I went on my very first plant rescue, throught the Georgia Native Plant Society. It was about an hour away from my home, where a judge called the society and told them that he was selling his property and would like for rescues to take place to save some of his plants. This is a very rare occurrence.

I can't believe the plants I found. The most amazing is the pink lady slipper! Because it is on the endangered species list, we had to sign a form, to be sent to the state of Georgia, saying that we could only take three and that we agreed not to sell them. We also had to sign another form saying that we would not come back to the property at any other time (unless on another rescue) to get more plants.

I also found tons of false Soloman Seals, regular Soloman Seals, several 5 leaf Jack-in-thePulpit (pretty rare for Georgia), regular Jacks, hepaticus, Lady ferns, masses of the tiny irises, and I was the only one who found a fairy wand. I was just thrilled with all that I found. Lots of other folks got white and pink native azaleas, Christmas ferns, spicebushes, and things I can't remember. Plus, we were allowed to get anything around the judge's house, so several folks got spireas, old daffodils, etc.

It was a fantastic day all around. I just had to take a shower the minute I got home (tons of poison ivy everywhere) and wash my clothes. Then it was off to plant them. I really do hope they all live (especially the lady slippers).

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Lucky you, pins!! Thats great! Was it an area that escaped the plow somehow.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

No, this isn't yet on the market. The judge wanted to make sure that the Native Plant Society got as many plants as they wanted before he sold the property. Pretty neat guy.

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