Tempting storytelling festival

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I would like to go to some storytelling festivals this year. This one looks very tempting. I'm not sure how far the venue is from the town. Whether it is walking distance, whether there is a bus. I'd need to stay in a B & B. My friend Stanley R is appearing at this one. It looks good! Haven't decided yet, just playing around with some ideas.


This message was edited Oct 13, 2005 9:47 AM

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I just looked at the advertisement. It sounds fascinating! I hope you can manage to go. It sounds like it will be a very festive occasion, and especially if you know someone who will be appearing there. You may even get a chance to meet other storytellers. It might be good for you to have a 2 day holiday if accomadations are not too expensive.
I feel this is too good a thing to pass up. Doris

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, I'm thinking seriously about this Doris. Haven't quite made up my mind yet though.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

There might not be another one in the area and you could use a mini vacation before you have to buckle down with your students again.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

There are several storytelling festivals nationally Doris and none of them are near enough to me for me to go to them as a day-tripper. This looks to be one of the best ones.

Students? I don't know if I'm going to get more students Doris. Once I finish this course that I'm currently doing I'm going to do some voluntary work round the libraries, telling stories. I'm not sure if I'm going to be doing a teaching course in the autumn. I'm near the stage where I have to consider what direction I'm taking. If I have any aptitude for storytelling then I go off in that direction.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I think a career in storytelling would be exciting. It will depend then how this will turn out, doing the story telling in libraries and hopefully this may be the beginning for you.
I'm still hoping you can find a way to attend the festival! I'm sure though that accomadations would not be cheap. Do you have a small tent that you could carry in a back pack? Or don't people do that inyour area? Some big events around here have camping facilities on the grounds or nearby.
Keeping my fingers crossed!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

No, I don't see me camping Doris. Yes, there's a campsite there. Camping is a very popular way of staying over to see these festivals. I've never camped on my own though, so I reckon it would be a B & B. I haven't decided yet. Anyway, if I decide to proceed with the storytelling idea there is all the time in the world and many more festivals to see...

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