help ID unknown beetle pls

Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

I am hoping some entomology-savy person here might know a little about this bug. It's about 1.5 inches long and I keep seeing it around my yard. I found tons of what I believe to be egg sacks on a shrub in my back yard this past Fall when I cut the shrub way down (it was covered in them and I was going to hack the shrub down anyway) out flew this large bug, so I am assuming this is the one that laid the eggs. I keep seeing it around and don't know if I should be worried or not . Hopefully it is harmless and I won't have gobs of little ones that eat all my plants. I've looked on a few websites showing beetles and haven't been able to id it. Thanks for any help!!

Thumbnail by cj5404az
Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

Okay - I can solve at least one mystery for you. This is a bug (order Hemiptera) which is why the beetle websites didn't help much (Entomologists aren't thoughtful that way - we tend to specialize) but it's not uncommon to see bugs and think "beetle", so understandable that you thought "beetle".

This is a leaf-footed bug (family Coreidae) I am fairly certain, but exactly what kind might be tricky - they often look alike. The coloration looks similar to a Florida leaf-footed bug (mostly because of the little redish tips on the antennae), but it might be something similar. I can tell you what leaf-footed bugs in general do though if that will help...

These bugs suck plant juices. They can't chew and they generally aren't found in large numbers. When they are though, then there might be a problem, because they might stress the plant. But only a few aren't anything to really worry about. Now in general, these lay eggs straight onto the plant without an egg case, so I'm wondering if the egg cases you have are actually those of praying mantises - see this site here for an example... and here's another example... The hyperlink address for that last one didn't work for some reason, so please add in the http:// and www parts and it should work fine. It works when I type in the adress, just not the hyperlink for some reason.

Let me know if that's not what you have and maybe describe the "egg sacks" and I'll see what I can do.

This message was edited Apr 24, 2005 6:37 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

Thankyou SO much, Night-Bloom!! Just knowing the correct family of this bug is a huge help :-) I was definitely erroneously side-tracked on beetles! I did a quick online search on the Family Coreidae and the pix I saw definitely look very similar to my bug. Finding out it's a plant juice sucker helps me, too. Doesn't sound like anything I want an infestation of. I did not keep a sample of what I thought were eggs sacks and have none to look at now, but they were nothing like the praying mantis egg casings you so kindly referenced. These were white, cottonie patches on the undersides of the shrub's leaves. I never even took a good close look at them, but I will be watching that shrub closely this summer as it is leafed out again and could well attract that same bug. Hopefully I can get more pictures.
Thanks so much for your wonderful help! I certainly appreciate your input :-)

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