
DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

Help! I'm being invaded by grasshoppers! They're young now, but they're going to get BIG. Any suggestions on how to get rid of them? And please don't suggest I fry them for a snack, as is done in many countries!

Thumbnail by deedeeb
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh my GOSH!
I thought I had a grasshopper problem...
You poor thing it's looks like one of the 7 plagues.

I don't know what to say, I hope someone has a suggestion for you.

BTW- I ate them once when visiting Huatulco Mexico, mixed with salsa and scooped up with a tortilla chip. It didn't taste like chicken *L*

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

I wouldn't want to taste them, no matter what they were mixed with!

Almost each morning I see a newly hatched group of these critters somewhere in my yard, The only true solution I know is to smash them whenever I see them. It's easier for me than smashing the giant sized adults. Yuuch.

Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh dear, it looks like you have baby lubber grasshoppers. These are generally poisonous or noxious to predators such as birds, and unfortunately most of the pesticides used to kill them might also harm butterflies, bees etc. I'll check and see if a systemic material such as imidicloprid (such as you would find in Bayer Advanced) will work on grasshoppers. That way only critters chewing or biting on your plants would be effected (except for caterpillars which aren't killed by imidicloprid). I'm not too optomistic though, about it working for grasshoppers.

Grandview, TX(Zone 8b)

I too have suffered from grasshoppers. In previous years I have used Bayer Advanced with great success. I also installed a martin house hopping they would feast on the little buggers, but they were not interested. NoLo is suppose to be a great product if you a) catch them while they are small and b) you live in the city (which I don't). Good luck. Keep us informed.

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Wait, Bayer Sytematic won't kill caterpillars? That's great news!

How about one of those oil based products that coats the plants? Sevin?

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

We have a wonderful dog in our family who loves digging holes and chewing almost anything she can find in the yard, so I don't like using pesticides. What I've been doing is SMASHING & SQUISHING those little critters every time I see one. I'm not looking forward to them growing big, although I can try my Grandmom Sadie's solution, which I remember from my childhood... chasing them down with a poker. What a comical site that was!

Thumbnail by deedeeb
Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

What a cutie!

Keithville, LA(Zone 8a)

Something to consider whenever you buy anything "Bayer" from asprin to insecticides. "Bayer" is the same company that developed, manufactured, and used the gasses in the Nazi death camps in Germany. Not just the same name, the exact same company. They still have ongoing human tolerance studies going on in Scottland to test current insecticides on people.

Think about it..............


Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Ponderer, wow...that is something I did not know. :( I don't know if I can avoid using any and all of their products, but it does make me think. ...UGH!!!

Those grasshoppers are disgusting! I sure do feel for you! I battled with these gigantic ones a few years ago. They would fly AT me when I would corner them. The only thing that worked was a plastic baseball bat. I went out early and start swinging and chasing them. The birds have helped since then, and I think that was just some weird problem. So sorry to hear about your problem!

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Well, I will NOT be using any of their products ever again.

You may just have to knock the grasshoppers off into a pail of soapy water, just like people do with japanese beetles.

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