This is what I found on my lovely vines this morning... and loads of buds coming in too....
My first Clematis of the season
Bravo. How pretty. Which one is it.
carolyn how long have you had this clematis. I have a nelly moser going on her 2nd year and no blooms yet. green & healthy but no flower.
This one is about 4 years old.... but the first year, I pulled it up by the roots by mistake... Grabbed some danged ol weeds and gave them a hearty jerk, and pulled it plum outta the ground.... Jeez o pete, I bout died.... and quickly put it right back in the soil and gave it a major watering and mulched it with oak leaves real good... It didn't grow anymore that year, but then the following spring, I looked for signs of life... and voila.... found new leaves coming and suddenly it just took off growing ....
I don't recall the name of it.... but I have it planted in tandem with a lavendar one.... not the same hole, but about a foot away and they climb the same trellis... but the lavendar one blooms a bit later...
I sure do enjoy these lovelies..
I ALMOST did the same thing you did: pulling clematis thinking it was a weed. Caught myself just in time....
Very pretty flower!