Wild Rice

Tilton, NH(Zone 4a)

Does anyone have experience with growing wild rice? We have a flat area next to the brook that is flooded part of the year, and we'd like to try rice, but have no idea how to get it started or whether we can grow it here. My Dad says it used to grow in New Hampshire, but is no longer known.


Cleveland, OH

I grew wild rice last season and saved a few seeds for this season. I saw it growing in northern Minnesota a few years ago. I think it needs good quality water and it does need water througout the growing season, and will be very unhappy if it dries out.

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

Here is a link to my diary about the wild rice (Zizania caducifolia).

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

yes my folks in minnesota had on there land and land next to them indians come in boats get it...seen them. its high in stores up there.

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

Quite right, youngsters here often pluck them in summer in boat. A very nice veggie.

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