Storing Bulbs in the Summer

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

My mom moved to a new home last fall. She planted bulbs that have bloomed and are done already. She has someone who is doing some heavy soil amending in her beds today, so yesterday she dug up all of her bulbs (leaving the green on them) and has them spread out on newspaper in her garage. She said they were expensive bulbs and she doesn't want to have to replace them so is wanting to know how she can store them until planting again in the fall. Does anyone know? I also posted in the Bulb Forum.

Question has been answered. Thank you!!

This message was edited Apr 17, 2005 7:01 AM

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

If they still have green leaves, the bulbs should go back in the ground to build up that energy reserve they need to bloom well next year.

(Zone 8b)

They should be just fine, provided the leaves are left to die back on their own. After the leaves are all brown you can tidy them off and then pop the bulbs into a bag, a net bag is best but definitely NOT a plastic bag. Then hang the bag up off the ground somewhere dark and not too warm. The guest room closet in an air conditioned house would be ideal. Replant at the appropriate season.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you both for your responses. She didn't want to have to replant them if she could just store them. Carol, are you saying that they are okay spread out on the newspapers in the garage until the green dies? Thanks.

(Zone 8b)

Provided they are not damp yes they should be fine.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you!

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