What do you have planted at the entrance to your driveway?

Springboro, OH

If anything? Just trying to get some ideas, as i have two small areas by mine that I'm planning to revamp soon. Pics if you have 'em please!


Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

lol! nothing---- I tend to run over the curb......


Arroyo Grande, CA

I have a number of salvias, clevelandi, cultivar named lipstick, brandegii, a leucospermum cordifolia, leucodendron, some other aussie stuff, melianthus major, a jumping cholla just for fun, and a few smaller things. Probably none of it would work in Ohio, though. How big a space, do you want them tall, short. Think about grasses, they are wonderful and they come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Go great with other perennials and many are winter hardy.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Deer food! All of my attempts to plant something welcoming are welcoming plenty of four-footed munchers before the plants ever get a chance to show their stuff! LOL
I finally resorted to ditch lilies. The thinking was along the lines of, "You see them blooming all over, so the deer must leave them alone." Right! They leave them until the buds form, them nip them all off in my yard!
I also have plenty of blackberries. Doesn't that sound like a welcoming sight? You have to come way up my driveway to the fenced-in part before you can see anything lovely.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

My mailbox runs right up alongside the road, so I have a small bed encircling that. 3 dwarf Pennisetum ('Hameln') grasses and a few other perennials that will look nice all year long. I'm going to use a touch of bedding ageratum this year for continuous color, too :) When it all gets planted, I'll try to remember to post a pic :)


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I have a clematis on the mailbox--still straggley, but I hope it grows this season. Of course I plant daffodils and muscari for early spring color,

I put in a few rebloomer iris new last year so I hope they look nice,...also put in globemaster allium and prarie sun daisies for mid-summer color...also a rose grandiflora and some grasses...

kind of a conglomeration now that I look at the list, so I think I'll have to 'edit' this summer!

Have fun with your landscape designing and be sure to show us some pics. :-) t.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

I just moved and the new house has nothing at the end of the driveway. At my old house I had Rose of Sharon ringed by daylilies.

Springboro, OH

Thanks fot the great ideas guys. I like the idea of having some type of smaller evergreen shrub out there, any suggestions? maybe with a dwarf maiden grass, stella d'oro daylilies, and some lamium. What do you think?

My mailbox is across the street, but a lot of people do have the clematis on the mailbox in my neighborhood. I think that looks lovely! I will definitely take some pics when I'm through. May be a while as I'll be planting plenty of hostas in the coming week that I have on the way from the co-op. But after those are settled in, I'll be turning to the driveway project. In the meantime, if you think of anything else that may work well with this combo I'm scheming, let me know!


Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

At my old house, I had a variegated euonymous that filled in the spot nicely. With the way it grows, bulbs planted around it added additional color early in the season. Adding a large pot of annuals (purple, maybe, to contrast with the gold variegation?) behind the euonymous could then fill out your summer color needs.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Pampas grass on one side......the side with the mailbox has ditchlily daylilies, and a 40 year old lace leaf japanese maple.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

We need a picture of that 40 year-old maple! It must be gorgeous.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I have one on here somewhere of it in it's Fall color.....it just finished leafing out for the season so I'll get another when I get in tonight.


P.S. I'll try and find the flaming orange pic too :-)

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Here are a couple of the tree. According to the neighbors the tree was planted when the house was built in 1953.


Thumbnail by RikerBear
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

2nd pic..................

Thumbnail by RikerBear
Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Lovely Marc! Thanks for the post.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Certainly :-)

Cary, NC(Zone 7a)

Well, I have to say that is a great J. maple, I have another variety near the front of the house that has just finished leafing out.....

Thumbnail by Yankee_Rosarian
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Lovely shape....very beautiful

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I intend to plant more near the driveway but I have a teenage son who just got his license last summer so I have been holding off till he gets more experience getting in and out of the driveway. So far, he's only manage to hit is basketball hoop and my truck is unscathed so far.
I think he is extra careful to leave me plenty of room between his car and my truck for rear of having to face me if he hits it. At the bottom of my side of the driveway I only have one plant at the moment and that's a white duranta.

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