Lost my Fern Leaf Peony 'Rubra Flora Plena'

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

My children bought this for me for Mother's Day last year. Now it is no where to be found. I dug up the whole area. My am heartsick for I had been wanting one for 3 years. They bought it locally but the nursery only has guarantees on their trees and shrubs. They had a few extras leftover from a job they were working on. They have no more.

Does anyone have a trade for this. I have alot of trading items. I am willing to trade several items for one. I just bought Magnolia 'Jane' that I will part with for one of your tubers. I even have some things on my trading list that I will let go of to get this flower again.

I plan on placing this on the plant trading forum. Thanks again. Linda


Hindsville, AR(Zone 6b)

Linda, you might get lucky...but this peony propagates very slowly (thus the $40-$60 charge for a blooming size division). From seed, it seems to take 7-8 years to bloom.
Good luck, I know I wanted one for ages, and finally got a seed grown 3 yr old about 3 or 4 years ago (still waiting on it to bloom...it just bulks up a bit more each year).

Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

RDT, I've been looking for one of these myself and just happened to stop at an Earl May's Nursery today ..... 39.99 + 33% off ...... I've never spent that kind of money on a plant before but like dbarron said .... 40.00 - 60.00 is what most online places charge...... I hope you find one ....... They are quite impressive .....

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

I have this one, is it the same one?


Thumbnail by Seedsower
Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

Wow Seedsower....... Is this the pic from the PlantFiles ? That's where I first saw it ..... and spent lunch hour looking for it on the net ........ the cost + shipping was the only thing that kept me from buying one that day ...... guess there's more to the phrase "All good things come in time for those who wait " or however it goes because Saturday I found one ......

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi RDT, you can get a P. tenuifolia 'Rubra Plena' or double red fern leaf from the Peony Garden of Center Point Iowa. I think they run about $38.00. I'd offer you some of mine, but you'd have to get in line and you'd be about 15th down the line. That's what I get for coming from a big family. ;) Anyway, here's a picture, albeit a poor one, of my P. tenuifolia 'Rubra Plena.' As you can see, it's not quite fully popped yet. Diann

Thumbnail by Ticker
Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I feel for you. I bought one from Wayside Gardens Fall, 2003, at their end-of-season sale (it was still at least $40). The division they sent look shriveled and lifeless, so I put a plant hoop over the area to mark it. I could easily have missed this tiny root had I tried to look for it in the soil! If you put the soil that you dug back in place, you might still get something...

I got one tiny stalk the first year, and a few are coming up this year - only 4-5" tall. A friend warned me that the foliage on this often dies back in mid-summer here in Denver. I am glad to learn that this slow development is normal.

I just went out to check and it looks like there might be a tiny flower bud, not sure. I need to pull some bulb foliage out of there! Since it is so dry here when snows are far between, I plant violas in the fall next to places I need to be sure to water monthly. I figure if the violas are ok, then so is the dormant plant.

This is a top view. The ferny foliage is it.

Thumbnail by Sally_Denver
Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks for all the replies.
Wayside has reintroduced this item. They also have sales (although I have not seen this among the sale items) plus for an additional $5 you can get an extended warranty. The Peony Garden of Center Point Iowa is the cheapest. They ship in the fall.

I read somewhere that you should plant the tuber on an angle. Does not like to be watered to much. These may have been my problem. Linda

Hindsville, AR(Zone 6b)

It is native to a very rocky pocket of soil (type environment) in Ukraine as I recall, so, yes, it could easily be a bit moisture sensitive.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Adelman Peony Gardens has a hybrid listed @ $20.00.

They have 100% positive feedback on Garden Watchdog.


Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Adelman's is a single fern leaf, I think RDT was looking for a double.

IA Z5a

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