June 25

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Good morning everyone. It's sunny/partly cloudy with a stiff cool breeze, doesn't feel very summery. Overnight it was about 40. This weekend's ride was a really tough one, we finished just about 15 minutes before our time limit ran out and had to hurry to do that. Lots of interesting things on this ride, including a "Man from Snowy River" hill that is 1/2 mile long, (that's steep and down with loose footing so you slide), a band of range sheep soon after that who respond to the shepherd's whistle to gather up and come toward him, later we saw his pack mule complete with pack grazing. He started to follow us but decided it was too much work. I emagine the shepherd whistles him in and gives him grain every evening and retrieves his bedroll. Lots of wild flowers and elk, spectacular views, streams to cross and a beautiful day for it all. This ride was in the Idaho mountains so we were either going up or down almost all day. Now I need to clean house, company comming, lots to do. Have a great day everyone, count your blessings.
If anyone would like to look at some beautiful pictures of the ride, band of sheep, pack mules, scenery, horses and riders, the ride camp, go to www.goldhill.com/06232001/index.htm

This message was edited Monday, Jun 25th 12:49 PM

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