Pretty peas? (errrr please???)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

When it's time to pick those peas, be sure to get some pictures of those pods and peas, please. We have 300+ varieties entered in PlantFiles:
so there's a pretty good chance what you're growing is already listed. But if not, that's okay - we can help you get an entry submitted and you can add a note and/or a picture. For those of you already snapping picutres as you shell the peas, I just have one thing to say to you: "Awwww, just bless your pea-pickin' hearts!!!!"

I warned y'all the puns would go from bad to worse...and there's still beans, lettuce, corn, okra and potatoes, plus all the "minor vegetables." Just imagine the possible puns to come. ;o)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My snap peas are only just now sprouting up with their first pair of leaves (I was a few weeks late in planting), so it'll be a while before pics, but I'll see what I can do!

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

I am growing waldo

what are you growing?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I sowed 'Sugar Lace II' (semi-leafless dwarf) and 'Super Sugar Snap', both hybrids (I think). I may try to get in a second sowing with some 'Sugar Ann' peas. All of these are "snap peas" with edible pods.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Nope, not hybrids. You can save seeds to your heart's delight.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, FD! I thought for sure the 'Super Sugar Snap' was a hybrid form of 'Sugar Snap'.... glad to know I was wrong! It's hard for me to deliberately let any of those tasty, tender little pea pods mature for seed.... but sometimes a couple of pods escape my notice! :-)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Criiter, You are aware that it is a tall pea cultivar, humongous vine that will grow to 6 feet.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, I've grown them before, but thanks for making sure I knew.... would've been quite a surprise otherwise! They've performed very well for us in the past & have become almost a "must have" in our garden.

I have my trellis thing-y all set up already. Oddly, I'm using a couple of old crib rails I found in the auction dumpster, but they work fine. I've also made a "pea fence" from branches stuck in the ground & woven together a little to help them stand up. They definitely need some support, but not in the same serious way that indeterminate tomatoes need support (although you can let tomatoes sprawl if you have the room).

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