Last year's bounty

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

We will need a bigger basket this year! I was looking through the hard drive for pics to add to PF and found this! This pic was taken in August 04. I would have to give credit to my BF since he did all the hard work and I stood back amazed that veggies were coming out of my backyard!


Thumbnail by bluekat76
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

A very nice picture and as you know it sure is fun growin your own food. My garden feeds us for a long time since I store things like potatoes, onions and winter squash, can tomatoes and green beans, and freeze lots of the rest of it. And of course we eat like crazy when things are ripe. It's very satisfying. I get a kick out of going out with a box to see what dinner is going to be.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

We only have edamame and blueberries left in the freezer from last year. They are vacuum packed so I am not worried about taste - I guess I was thinking I didn't want everything to be gone!

This year we have expanded the garden so I am sure I will be busy freezing and eating! Not sure about canning - haven't done it for quite a while and then it was only chutney.


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