Man knocking on my door

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I've just had a man knocking on my door, asking for me to give him gardening work. He said he does gardening work for my neighbours, once a fortnight. He didn't say who and didn't offer references or even a business card or flyer. I don't know who he is, didn't recognise him. He didn't even offer his name.

I have a sign on my front door that says clearly that I don't give work to people who knock on my door. Maybe this man was genuine. I didn't get a good feeling about him though. He was badly spoken and of a very poor physical appearance. Very scruffy and badly dressed, in bad need of a good shave too. Looked like someone who slept rough. I'm not expecting a gardener to be dressed in a suit but there are limits.

Maybe he was genuine. And maybe not. I just said, "Er, no" and shut the door. My grass is a bit hairy. I have Tim (from the lawnmower firm) coming this afternoon to take my mower away and give it a service. I'll see if he can give my lawn its first mow of the year for me when he returns it. I know Tim. I can trust him.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

My lawn mower firm has just been to collect my mower and give it a service. I've asked if they can find someone for me to give the lawn a quick going over. The three small lawns are okay (I should be able to tackle those myself) - it's the large one down the side of the house that's a bit out of control. The man I spoke to didn't know if they would have anyone but he'll ask. He thought a strimmer would cut it back in no time.

This is a respectable firm, no cowboys here. If anyone else knocks in the next few days I tell them no thanks I've already got someone. The lawn mower man thought I was quite right not to take on the man who knocked on the door.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

That is scary, someone looking like that and asking for work. I'm glad you didn't take him on. You've had too much in the past. All you can do, is to do what you can, when you can. The rest can wait! Doris

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Doris. He may have been genuine of course. But genuine landscape gardeners don't need to knock on doors, they get new clients by word of mouth and recommendation.

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