Jack & the Beanstalk GREEN ONIONS?

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

My daddy grew HUGE green onions, I've never seen any like his. He used regular onion sets and, past that, my memory is hazy. I should have written down what he said, but that is spilt milk. Do any of you know the 'secret' of growing the huge green onions??? I want to think that he said to plant the set deeper and further apart. Of course I'm going to try that and any other method I can think of. If you or anyone you might know that knows about growing huge green onions, please advise. And, please forgive me if this is an old, often asked question - if there are threads that might have this information, please direct me. Thank you for reading this - I look forward to hearing from someone who might be able to clue me in. It is a beautiful day here - hope yours is too!!! SherryLike

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

1. choose a large cultivar. 2. plant at spacing for full grown onions. 3. Amend soil. 4. exercise patience * a green onion, other than the bunching types, is just an immature onion, you can pull them at any stage.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Thank you so very mucho Farmerdill!!!!! I have onion sets that have absolutely no instructions. Where might I find spacing directions for full grown onions?? I didn't locate anything here, at DG, possibly there is a thread, huh? I really appreciate your help. My daddy was known for his patience. He grew them every year for me, they were always huge and perfect.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)


I assume that you do have sets (the dried bulblets) . Just put them root end down about 4 inches apart in good rich soil (onions are pretty heavy feeders). You can treat plants about the same. covering the bulb with dirt does inhibit bulbing so that is good if want green onions.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Thank you, yet again, Farmerdill!!! Daddy told me to put them in my flower beds. He was a Johnny OnionSet, they grew any place for him...

Boulder, CO

I'm very new to gardening, but last year I had a friend who was cooking a Chinese meal and chopped the tops off the green onions she purchased from the grocery and handed me the bottoms and told me to plant them in my garden. They grew extremely quickly and turned out to be huge!

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

My goodness, I think I'll try that too and see what happens. Thanks!!!!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I grow lots of onions! Luv em!

My biggest green onions are usually planted in the Fall of the year. They winter over, then gain HUGE size in late Spring/Early summer! I like to cook with them, eat em raw, you name it!

Since I like both green onions as well as bulbed onions, I plant them two inches apart in the row. They gain great size even at that close spacing; only the tops will grow large until the daylength changes in Spring (at that point the bulbs will begin to enlarge).

If you choose, you can pick every other one in the row, thus giving the 4" spacing that Farmerdill recommended above, and the ones left will have room to expand their bulbs. (Doing this also is a great way to cultivate/break up the soil crust, if any, and allow water down to the roots.)

For good top growth/green onions, give em some good N (compost/manure, etc). If you want both good top growth and later some good onion bulbs, a fertilizer/plant food with a high N and high Phosphorus will do ya justice.

Ah yes, fried onion greens... slightly steam-fried in a big black skillet in olive oil/sesame oil, then simmered in chicken broth (or Knorr veggie broth), then hit with a dash of soy, served up with a pinch of salt/pepper (feta cheese sprinkled on top is optional!) . Mercy me! Can't wait!!

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Yes, Shoe, you said what I've been trying to remember that my daddy told me - start with them 2 inches apart, then pull only the 2nd ones, leaving the others 4 inches to mature. Going to do that today!!! Thanks for the info!!!!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Great! Hoping you a wonderful harvest!

One of my favorite pics below...a harvest of onions, and my favorite harvest of all, DD! (Taken a couple yrs back.)

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

I had to go back three times before I saw the onions, lol, that cute blondie is adorable, a lonely little petunia in an onion patch, huh??!!!!!!

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