A question about planting seeds

Linden, TN

I have just purchased some Coleus seed and was just getting ready to put them into little pots for seed starting.. Now, my husband tells me we will be going on vacation at the end of May for a couple of weeks to visit with his children and grand babies... I can hardly wait... but... now here is my question. I wanted to plant them around an old oak tree in front of the house... so:

Do I start them in little flats in my sunroom ?
Do I direct sow them around the tree and hope for the best. ?
There is a planter surrounding the tree with good river bottom soil in it.. (along with a fair share of poison oak) grr..

Advice pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze.... Thanks bunches,

Chanute, KS(Zone 6a)

If I were in your situation, I'd try it both ways. As a matter of fact, I did. I transplanted some into a bed outside, probably too early, but i also scattered seed in there too, just in case. I also have new seedlings emerging inside that I can put in later, if I need to.
Good luck!

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