Paw Paw Trees

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Any advise on growing them in zone 5b? I recently acquired two from Lincoln Memorial Gardens in Springfield, Il. They are a bit over two feet tall and with a lot of short roots on bottom 1/4 of plant.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Plant quickly! They like to grow under other trees in moist areas(in the wild they are often along creek banks). We have ours under a large black walnut tree. Well, about 15 & 30 feet away from the trunk but still under the branches and in range of the root system of the BW. It may take 5-7 years for it to bear fruit so don't be in a hurry. Best wishes & GOD bless you.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

leaflady, how long have you had your Paw Paws growing under the black walnut tree? Walnut trees produce juglone, a toxin that is toxic to other plants. That's how it fights the competition.

I found a list of juglone tolerant plants that includes paw paws.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Jmorth, if you want some REALLY rare items, come to the Native Plant Society sale at Washington Park Botanic Garden (Springfield) on 30 April, 9:00-2:00!
Guy S.

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

I got them in the ground yesterday, before the rains of today. My yard here is pretty devoid of trees but they were placed where a tall fence will shield them from the south, there's buildings on the west, to the east a relatively young oak will hopefully provide some shade. Do you think this will work? Thankyou for the reply.

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Starhill forest,
Thanks for the tip; I'll certainly try to make that for I do indeed enjoy growing the rare and/or unusual in plants.

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