Help with Identification #1

Weatherford, TX(Zone 7b)

I've posted on the ID formum, but I think perhapse this is a better option, since you all seem to know everything about iris!

I received this iris from a friend...she didn't know it's name, either, as it was passed to her from someone else. It's not very tall, but bigger than my dwarf iris, about 24 - 30" tall. The blooms have pale lavender standards, and the falls are a darker purple with lavender edges. The throat area is mottled purple and white, and it has gold tongues. For me, it is a mid season bloomer, late April to early May.

Thumbnail by angelap
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

It's impossible to tell from the angle of your pic, but it looks like it might be similar to 'Monsignor'. If you think it's a match, you can purchase 'Monsignor' from a commercial source for side by side growth and bloom comparisons in your own garden.


Thumbnail by laurief
Weatherford, TX(Zone 7b)

Thank You! It's been bugging me for ages, not knowing that baby's name!! Your picture is great...I compared it to some other closeup shots I had of last seasons blooms, and it's really, really close to what I have. I'll compare your photo to the plant when it blooms on the first day, so I can see the flower without any sun fading.

I'll have to hunt down some original Monsignor stock an plant for comparison, "just in case". A new iris couldn't hurt, could it?

I knew some one here would have an answer for me!

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Superstition Gardens sells 'Monsignor', and they are well known for their meticulous identification of their historic stock.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Your iris looks exactly like mine. I got mine off of ebay, and the seller did not know the name for it. Let me know if you discover its true identity.

Thumbnail by hgurule

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