New planters

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello all,

This is my first post to this forum. I just wanted to show all of you the set of barrel planters I got yesterday. I'm so proud of them....

Thumbnail by jdee
Greenback, TN

those are nice jdee! I like them!

Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

I love your find... where did you get them??

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

A place called Atwoods. It's a farm and ranch store here in Paris. I don't know if they have a chain or if its just a local place.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

they look great. any idea what you are going to put in them?

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Not yet. I know I'm probably going to go with annuals, since this will be my first time to garden in a container. I've got houseplants, but not goarden plants in pots. I was wondering if I'm supposed to use garden soil, compost, or potting soil for a containter garden.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Oooh! I like those a ton! They will look beautiful, nice choice :)

BTW, potting soil is mixed just for container gardening... that's what I'd use.... Walmart has good prices for it.........

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks. I have tons of potting soil left over from when I repotted my houseplants. I also had to put one of my azaleas in a container, because of the water running off the roof when it rains. It was flooding one of my new shrubs. Now I can just move it over when it rains, until we get those gutters worked on.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Love your new pots, jdee! Be sure and post pics when you get them planted.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks. I sure will.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I finally used one of my planters today. I planted some snapdragons earlier in the year, and they just are doing great. I've had so many garden disappointments, that when I found something that was happy in my yard, I went crazy a bought tons of it. Now I have more snaps than I have space. I used some, along with some coleus in one of my barrel planters...

Thumbnail by jdee
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I got this wheel barrow planter Sunday, and my hubby put it together yesterday for me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to put dirt directly in it, so I put some potted snaps in it. I might change that later....

Thumbnail by jdee
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

jdee, you could just put a bunch of long-strand spanish moss around the pots in the wheelbarrow...

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

FUN, Jdee :) Good for you!!!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Looking good!
:) Donna

Greenback, TN


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I decided to put some veggies in the biggest of my barrel containers. This will be my first experience with veggies. I have jalapenos (Dad told me they were easy, and my husband loves them), and yellow squash (because I love it) I just bought a six pack of each from Walmart, thinking that if they don't work, at least I didn't really too much money, and it's always worth a try. Now I'm thinking I may have planted them too close together. Oh well, it's just an experament...

Thumbnail by jdee
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

My husband bought me a rose yesterday. It just seemed to attract us with it's scent. Its a low growing, bushy variety, so I decided it would be the perfect container rose....

I had this large plastic container from last year. It had a chinese evergreen in it, but I accidentally left it on the porch, and the frost killed it. I waited forever to see if it would come back, but it never did. I finally decided to dump the old dirt out, clean it with bleach water, and wait until I had the perfect plant for it. I think the rose is just that...

Thumbnail by jdee

Hi jdee, Those are excellent planters. I sure do like the oval shape of them, so different from the whiskey barrels. Your plantings look Great in them. I think your peppers and squash look great but your right I think they are too close. But like you said it's for fun and an experiment that's how you learn. Hope everything takes off and looks great for you this summer.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 11)

Hi jdee...

Wood is never a good idea if you have an infestation of cockroaches! Don't forget to seal them.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I just planted my first herb garden the last two of my containers. I Know it's going to be over crowded soon, but I just wanted to feel like I had a mature garden. I have rosemary, dill, dwarf munstead lavender, lemon thyme, and a sprig of basil. In the small one, I have Dill, lemon balm, and basil.

bythenumbers, these planters came sealed and ready to use. Thanks for the tip in case I ever get some that aren't.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Oops! Forgot the picture....

Thumbnail by jdee
Dalton, GA(Zone 7b)

jdee, I love your herb garden! The pots are great! And so handy right by the door. Thanks for shareing,

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, jdee :) Fun!!!

You know, window box plantings are jammed in tight and wind up looking absolutely fabulous that way. Never know, maybe these containers will look great planted more closely than usual! :)

They will, however, need more water and more general TLC since they will be competing with one another for nutrients, sun, & water. It's a good idea to stick your finger in the soil every morning and check the moisture. Possibly every afternoon, too, in really hot weather. On the hottest days, it may be that you will have to water more than once. But, if the soil is moist at all, wait a little longer before you water and when you water really water. Completely. That's very fun that you got those planted. Makes you smile to look at em doesn't it??? :) Happy for you!

Take care,

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Jacci. I'm very proud of my pot of herbs. Thanks for the tip about watering. I think container plants look very pretty crowded, but if it turns out to be too crowded, the basil and dill are anuals, so it will be ok.

I just have to brag on my wonderful husband. He loves to cook, so I let him do most of the cooking. He decided to used some of my rosemary for the chicken breasts he was baking, and not only was it a wonderful meal, but he chose the perfect rosemary sprig in a way that it didn't spoil the look of the rest of the plant. Isn't he wonderful?

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL :) Clearly one of the top 10 requirements for excellent husbands! "Able to remove needed herbage without spoiling the overall appearance of the plant" :) That's awesome, LOL.

BTW, I was just reading about containers today, and the author actually urged jamming containers full! He did also mention the need to water far more often with very full containers and also fertilizing more. I'm trying to "go organic" this year and have been checking out some MiracleGro-like organic options. I'm planning to go that route w/ my annuals :)

Take care,

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I just bought some osmocote this week. I don't know if that's organic, but it seems to be highly recommended. I did buy an organic funguside for my roses, so the cats would be safe. I try to go as organic as I can because I don't want to hurt them.

This is off the subject, but what all can I do with coffee grounds. I don't drink it myself, but I gave my husband a dish to put his morning coffee grounds in, because I've heard so many say that it's good for the garden. Now that dish is full, but I'm not sure what to do with it. I've spread some on my camellias, but what else?

Schwenksville, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Jdee....nice to bump into you here instead of in the prayer forum!!

Looks like the garden wagon is a popular them for containers. This is my first attempt at container gardening!!!

Thumbnail by designart
Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Great photos on this thread. Terrific ideas, too!

waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Dump your coffee grounds right around your plants and shrubs. After it has brewed,most of the acid will be in your cup and plants just love the grounds. You can even pick them up free at Starbucks. I've used them on my roses, and all the annuals. You have to fish out the filters, because they just drop the whole thing in their containers. I just hold the filter (they do tear easily) and hose it off with a light spray right over the flower beds. Saves Starbucks disposal costs and we get free organic material for our gardens.

Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

your containers look fantastic. I haven't done well with pot plants in the past. I forget to water them and they don't last long. This spring I have used the M.G. moisture control and it has worked great so far. Just bought the second bag, so I have to get busy transplanting.
In His love,

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Nice 'family' of barrels! Lovely colours of blooms and other things too.. the barrow and the cart.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, Bonnie. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write. I love your wheel barrow, and your potted gardens are beautiful in there. I'm still trying to figure everything out. I hope someday I can have such an eye for what goes well in the same container. I can't figure out what will go together. lol In my herb container, my lavander died. I guess it needed less sun than the rest of them. My snaps and coleus also died, but that was because I over watered it. The rest of them seem to be doing fine for now.

Oh, well. I guess there's always next hear. lol

Schwenksville, PA(Zone 6a)

Judy...Lavendar needs full sun and very dry, sandy soil and excellent drainage. Try putting them in the ground and neglect them, you will have better luck! LOL!!!

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL! I think this lavander is too far gone.

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