why do some of these iris have new growth that looks weird..

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I think they are old ones but they look funny to me :)

Thumbnail by Charlotteda
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)


The Iris at the top need to be divided. That's why the stem of the flower is laying at an angle. You should stake it if you can now, or your flower stem may fall and break. Don't do anything now, but in the fall you can divide them. That is don't do anything now but enjoy the flower.

I'm not sure from the photo, but do you have spots on the leaves? If not, you're OK. The plants look pretty healty to me. About a month after they flower, feed them with 5-10-10 fertilizer or bone meal. Next spring when the tulips come up do the same thing. You'll end up with very happy Iris.

If you go to your preferences and take off the DG copyright mark it is easier to see what's going on. If you still want a copyright, choose the other option. It will put your name on the photo and it's less obtrusive. At least I think so.


Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Really ! I just planted all of the ones in the photo last summer. I purchased them from an older lady before I joined Daves. Thats why I think the one in the foreground must be a strange type.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You're right, I should have known better. Sometimes when you plant too many fans together this happens. Foliage differs, but we'll just have to see what pops up. Can't wait to see the mystery flower. Then maybe we can see what it is. Although there are so many Iris you may have to make up a name for it. Whatever it is, you have a pretty large clump of it. Post the photo when either one of them blooms. I can't wait to see.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

She did not know the names of any of the iris, some were in bloom, some were not. I dont think I got more than 3 rhizomes in any bunch. I hope they bloom so we can see what is what :)

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

So this is their first year where they are? Well it just looks like a bent start that will do what ever it wants. Nature does not demand perfection. My old eye says it will perk up as the temps mellow.

Against all the rules I'll be moving a few Iris in the next few days . gonna just scoop up a shovel full and plunk it in the readied spot. Creating a new bed. And these Iris have been overcome by vinca almost to extinction.

Iris are really tough plants I'm betting on ours. /;-).

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

That's it, blooms, break the rules. I love a rule breaker myself. I have to say that I've lost one Iris. It came very moldy but I planted it anyway. Shouldn't have. But it happens.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Speaking of breaking rules. I purchased some bearded irises off of ebay last month (In March...This is really breaking the rules!). I didn't expect any blooms this year nor next for that matter. I was walking through my garden and noticed that two of the irises are about to bloom! I couldn't believe it.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

The only part about breaking the rules buying off of ebay is that you may not get what you expected. But sometimes it's an even nicer surprise. As long as you're not attached to a certain cultivar, it's OK. Also there are a couple of good vendors on ebay although I don't know which ones they are. You may have run into one of them. There is a DG iris person who buys there all the time. I don't get it though. The prices don't seem any better then the reliable Iris gardens. Is there a reason? Or is ebay just too much fun?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I got 20 irises for $5, so I just got lucky. I wouldn't normally buy off of Ebay, but couldn't pass it up even with it being Spring and all. I've always heard that you should never plant them in the Spring but rather in the Fall. That is why I say that I broke the rules. These are just simple purple bearded irises (my favorite kind...no particular name). I was so surprised to see them blooming only a month after I planted them!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Here is a picture of one getting ready to open. My dog Ginger is in the background.

Thumbnail by hgurule
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Ginger is a real cutie, and you can't beat 20 iris for $5.00. I'll bet the postage is more than that.

I had a caramel colored Cat once. I think that it's always been my favorite pet color.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I ordered a bunch of other stuff from them at the same time, and I think they only charged me about $5-$6 total for shipping...Not bad! The name of the company is GroCo. They even sent me 5 extra plants as a gift. I really liked them.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

See, sometimes being a rule breaker will get you somewhere. Just ask Leonardo Da Vinci - or Einstein for that matter. Let's see, somebody living. I guess Prince Charles didn't get anywhere until he broke the rules. Poor Diana. I hope that he's happy now.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

True. Beethoven broke all of the rules of the Classical Era and thus created the Romantic Era (as far as music is concerned). Can't compare myself to Beethoven though...just an impatient gardener who can't pass up a good deal when she sees one :-)

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

DH, who is an inventor, believes in the wisdom of the fool. He even gives lectures on it. See, you're in good company. Every creative journey begins with foolishness. Doesn't matter if you're Beethoven or just an impatient gardener. Enjoy a foolish grin today.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Here is where my creative journey has led me...smells heavenly.

Thumbnail by hgurule
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Quite lovely. Is this from the "regular" foliage or the "weird" foliage?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I think you must be referring to Charlotteda's foliage. You can see the foliage that this came from in the picture posted above on April 11th (with my dog in it). I only chimed in when the discussion turned to "breaking the rules." I do have some irises that resemble the foliage Charlotteda posted in her original photo. Here is a picure of my strange foliage (the iris above did not bloom from this foliage). Mine definately need to be divided in the fall.

Thumbnail by hgurule
Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Sorry Hugurule, I think my weird foliage is weirder than yours. I just hope they bloom this year so I am figure out why they look so weird !

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Charlotteda, I don't understand why you refer to the foliage as weird. Is it the tightness of the clump or the narrower, shorter leaves that concern you? It looks like a pretty typical SDB clump to me. There are a few modern TBs that have similar growth - ENGLISH COTTAGE being one of them in my garden - but I would bet the vigorous clump in your garden turns out to be an SDB.


Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Well, the one in the foreground of the pics is this one I am calling weird. I have I think 2 of these.

Compared with the plant behind-
their leaves are lighter green, thinner, somewhat wavy and you can clearly see a couple of new fans on the background tuber but on the "weird" one there are so many fans you can even see the tuber. Both of these were planted at the same time last summer and were about the same size. I purchased them from an older lady who did not know names. She had some modern varieties and some oldies also.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Sorry hgurule, I wasn't paying enough attention. That is some beautiful healthy foliage there. Since I'm fighting leaf spot, it's a thing of beauty.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Don't worry doss. I get mixed up all of the time. LOL. Makes things more interesting anyway. I loved hearing about your husband's philosophy on the wisdom of the fool.

I guess my foliage isn't all that wierd. I just like the leaf that is twisting like a corkscrew.

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