Unusual colors of clematis "Miss Bateman"

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Unusual white with lime green veins and chocolate/maroon stamens...

Got this super cheap at Walmart for only 4.88!

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I love this Clematis. It is so pretty.

Mesilla Park, NM

These flowers have really just surpassed my expectations. When I first purchased them, I took one look at the roots and thought, oh no, this thing will not grow. But I found out just how easy it is to grow them..

That white one is really nice.. I can hardly wait to get more....more...more...

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes just very pretty. I do love clematis, but the season is quite short here. Probably won't see any blooms for 6 weeks or so. DonnaS

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, all my clematis that I've had for years are only just now waking up and setting buds...

I think the grower for Wal-Mart must have really "jacked these up" to get them to bloom so early...

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Yuph! That's the same Clematis as featured on this website. http://www.clematis.hull.ac.uk/clemdetail.cfm?dbkey=293
I think that they were given a lot of fertilizer which was high in phosphorus and that's why a lot of them are flowering, plus the fact that they are Spring bloomers.

I also took advantage of the cheap Clematis prices at Walmart yesterday. I came home with "Fireworks", "Ernest Markham", "Violet Charm" and "Asao" (I think). I'll pot them up to the next larger size pot, give them good potting soil, fertilizer and a cool drink of water. I'm not planning to plant them out in my garden until the Fall, plus their root systems need to become much more developed and can fill a 1 gallon container. A lot of them already have flower buds and I'm looking forward to seeing their blooms.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Shirley!
How are you? I've not talked with you in a while...

That link showed a much better picture of it, than I did! lol...Nice to see the parentage and such...looks like it has been around a while! I thought it was pretty new! lol...

Sounds like your walmart had different ones than me...I got proteus, miss bateman, and multi blue, and hf young...don't remember seeing the ones you mentioned...


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi there,

I'm doing fine. I'm just getting inpatient to see my Clematis in bloom! Some have already put out a lot of new growth, like "Victoria", but others are just starting to poke their heads out of the ground.

My guess is that Walmart must contract out to one of the large wholesale Clematis Nurseries and get vines shipped to all the different stores across the U.S. I think it's just a matter of luck which plants are shipped to which store, since I don't think that buyers for Walmart and other big box stores give any consideration to the climate or growing conditions in different parts of the country.

You got a very nice selection of Clematis from your Walmart! Come to think of it, I don't think I picked up "Asao", but a "H.F. Young" instead. I'll probably go back for the "Asao" this week, because I love the Japanese hybridzed Clematis flowers.

Hope yours put out a lot of new growth and give you beautiful flowers too!

P.S. "Miss Bateman" was introduced in 1869! So, it's a "tried and true" Clematis and a great performer!!

This message was edited Apr 9, 2005 10:10 PM

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I got the Hf young by mistake...I thought it was another multi blue, until I got it home...
I had planned on taking it back, because it didn't look that special...but then it bloomed! What an amazing color. I don't even know what to call it. It is like an electric periwinkle, or something...not quite blue, not quite purple, but super bright while still being a pastel...lol...Am I making any sense?? lol...

Are you all done with the Drs?? All better?? I hope so!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I bought a Nelly Moser last year and it was so puny that I gave up on it and decided Clematis wasn't my thing. Then yesterday afternoon during my garden inspection I saw this gorgeous vine peeking at me. It has come back and already much "stouter" that last year. Yipee.

So, what did I do? Made a bee line to Walmart this morning and bought me one Miss Bateman.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

".....electric periwinkle", is an excellent description of Clematis, H.F. Young's flower color!

Yes, I'm feeling a lot better! Thanks for asking! :~)

Vossner, so glad to hear that Clematis, "Nelly Moser" has reappeared in your garden. Since Clematis are heavy feeders, now is the time to fertilize them with the same product you would use on Roses. You want to enourage a lot of blooms, but at the same time you want a well developed root system to make your Clematis even larger and more lush in subsequent years. I've read several articles that recommend alternating a fertilizer that is high in Phosphorus (for flower development) and the next month give it a fertilizer that is high in Nitrogen (for leaf & root development). Also, it probably is wise to start spraying your Clematis (at least once a month) to ward off any fungal diseases and potential insect damage.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the advice Shirley, will do. I forgot to say I also bought at wallymart a Proteus (4.88) and a "carnaby" on ebay ($20, shping incl--ouch). I am so excited.

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