White cottony tiny ovular things...?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I don't grow things in the house usually, but I brought in a gorgeous hibiscus I was given, and a few potted herbs. After a while, I noticed these tiny things on the sage. (My digital camera isn't working at the moment.) They're cottony, fuzzyish, tiny, ovular white things and I can't see that they're moving. Then the hibiscus had it (I know, I should have trashed the sage, but it looked so healthy I figured it was nothing) and it really started covering the tips especially... the buds. Otherwise the plants looked fine. But the stuff was spreading quickly, so I trashed both plants and looked all over the web, but when you don't know what you're looking for it can be hard. Now it seems to be on the chives. It hasn't touched the parsley. I kept the other herbs just to see what this pest likes and doesn't like. Help. Anyone?

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Really sounds like mealy bugs. You'll get a ton of info on the web. Straight alcohol treatments work, don't hurt your plants and is a cheap fix if you have the time-it's a little labor intensive.

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